By: Eric Saylor & Fon - Tussayaporn COMMUNICATION
What is communication?communication Communication in life is the pinnacle of every successful - and not so successful - relationship. Communication is commonly defined as "the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs".
Boost Your Communication Skills At The Workplace –Stewart Wrighter “To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others” - Anthony Robbins -
School vs. Corporate Once you step in the corporate world, you realize that there is still a lot of learning that you need to do. What you studied earlier was theoretical, now you need to make it all practical. This is the reason why people get to learn a lot from their job experiences.
7 Skills to Effective Communication 1) Organize Thoughts 2) Be Patient 3) Be Observant 4) Read 5) Body Language 6) Eye Contact 7) Be Confident
Organize Your Thoughts Think before you speak Be aware of what you are going to completely say before you say it Know responses to possible feedback - Anticipate responses to your comments
Be Patient Let others complete their thoughtsthoughts Do NOT be reactive to a situation, allow a coworker to finish what they’ve began saying before formulating your response Be open to new opinions/ ideas Because someone approaches you with an idea unlike yours does not mean it is wrong
Be Observant Learn from the people around you Don’t become a copy cat, but learn the feel of the work environment to allow yourself to adapt Look at how your coworkers present themselves If you’re uncertain on how to approach people in the business place, observe and repeat what others are doing
Read Reading allows you to connect with coworkers and allows you to sound more intelligent and knowledgeable Current Events Politics Global Situations Sports
Body Language Use hand gestures Amplifies the meaning of what your saying Be aware of your presence Arms open and relaxed at your side indicates your sociable and easy to approach Align body language with what you’re saying People will believe body language over words; make sure they align properly
Eye Contact The importance is you make eye contact to show respect and acknowledge their presence and importance Not too much Too much eye contact in a business environment becomes awkward Not too little Use enough eye contact to show you are confident and controlled
Be Confident Don’t be afraid to take credit for your work Be the first to introduce yourself in situations Practice a presentation Believe in yourself
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