Weather Maps By: Jacob Baxter
What are they? A weather map is a tool used to display information quickly, showing the analysis of various meteorological quantities at various levels of the atmosphere. t:en-us:IE- SearchBox&rlz=1I7ADBR_en&defl=en&q=define:Weath er+maps&sa=X&ei=9iGRTfkOh7e2B666iUw&ved=0CBg QkAE
Satellite Maps Pictures of the Earth from space Measures infrared radiation from clouds which can determine cloud height Low clouds are gray, high clouds are white
Radar Maps Sends out beam of energy and measures the amount of reflectivity The more precipitation the more reflectivity A "hook" seen on a radar map can indicate rotation in a severe thunderstorm Low precip.= blue High precip.= red, purple, white
Surface Chart Shows location of cold, warm, stationary, and occluded fronts Shows location of high and low pressure systems High- good weather Low- unstable weather
Wind Speed Maps Use symbols to indicate wind speed and direction Used in navigation Used during severe storms like hurricanes
Station Model Maps Used by meteorologists interpret all relevant weather data Indicates temperature, pressure, wind speed, it’s direction, weather condition, visibility, cloud cover, and change in pressure over the last 3 hrs
Resources maps.html maps.html satellite.jpg satellite.jpg gif gif usa.jpg usa.jpg e_Weather_Maps/image4.jpg e_Weather_Maps/image4.jpg