Adaptive Cruise Control System ENGR 340 February 26, 2007
Reintroduction of Project Design Norms Major Obstacles Current Status The Future Questions
Erik Barton Nate Barker Nate Sportel Bryan Bandstra Chris Vonk
Detects the distance and speed of forward vehicles Changes the cruise speed of the equipped vehicle Touch screen user interface and information display Design an Adaptive Cruise Control System
Transparency Easy to use Small learning curve Minimal attention required from user during operation Robust and reliable Functions reliably and accurately in varied weather and temperature conditions
Humility Human fallibility – operator Reduces risk for highway drivers Human fallibility – designer Peer review Safety backups in design
Stewardship Increased fuel economy Improve on existing cruise control systems Reduce sharp acceleration and deceleration
Obtained TRW AC10 Radar Detects distance and speed 150 meter range, 0.09 kph speed resolution Four vehicle tracking Yaw compensation
Communicating with devices: Car – J1850 BUS Radar – CAN BUS
Communicating with devices: NeoVI and Altera DE2 board – USB
Developing system controller on DE2 Creating system flow diagrams Refreshing knowledge of DE2 Creating test plan for controller
Test and create interfaces Test radar and NeoVI interface Test car and NeoVI interface Create NeoVI and DE2 interface
Software to filter signals for NeoVI From radar From car Software to filter signals for DE2