James Buckles Jessica Norman Tyler Stewart
To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.
Starbucks is the largest Coffee company in the world Established in 1971 in Seattle, WA 16,653 stores in 49 countries: -11,068 in US -1,000 in Canada -More than 800 in Japan
Due to recent economy, sales have been declining so Starbucks revamped their marketing strategy. Announced in July of 2009 the company planned to close more than 600 underperforming U.S. stores
I-Phone Applications Gift Cards Unique Names for Cup Sizes Rewards Program
Launched in 2005 Offers Cream Liqueur & Coffee Liqueur Retails for $23 per 750 ml bottle -15% alc/vol (30 proof) - 9mg caffeine
New cafe pilot store in Seattle Offers beer and wine as well as coffee and tea Late night hours and live entertainment "It looks to me that they are testing a specialty sub-brand to see if they can capture some other segment of the market that would otherwise be disillusioned by a large corporate chain," -Andrew Hetzel, the founder of coffee consulting group, Cafemakers
Increase in sales from 2009 to 2010 as well as rise in stock value
#3 Last week, 20 million people bought a cup of coffee at Starbucks in the US #5A typical customer stops by 18 times a month #6Playboy developed a “Women of Starbucks spread #21 There are over 87,000 drink combinations available #23 Starbucks Drive-Thrus are nearly twice as efficient when compared to other fast food chain drive-thrus #28The most mispronounced drink order at Starbucks is the Caramel Macchiato
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