AAE451 Conceptual Design Review Team 2 Chad Carmack Ben Goldman Aaron Martin Russell Hammer Ryan Mayer Donnie Goepper Jake Schaefer Phil Mazurek Abhi Murty Chris Simpson Shane Mooney John Tegah
Conceptual Design Outline Mission Summary Concept Summary Best Design Advanced Technologies Review Sizing Code Engine Modeling Aerodynamics Performance Structures Stability and Control Noise Cost Summary
Mission Statement To be the primary systems integrator of a high speed, long range executive transport system with unprecedented efficiency and minimal environmental impact.
Design Mission 3 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 7100 nm 200 nm Los Angeles Hong Kong 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 7100 nm 200 nm Los Angeles Hong Kong Alternate 0-1: Take off to 50 ft. 5-6: Climb to 5000 ft. (Best Rate) 1-2: Climb to 41000 ft. (Best Rate) 6-7: Divert to Alternate 200 nm 2-3: Cruise at Mach 0.85 7-8: 45 minute Holding Pattern 3-4: Decent to Land (No Range Credit) 8-9: Land 4-5: Missed Approach (Go Around)
Concept Review
Aircraft Concept Walk-Around Lifting Canards Fuselage – aft Mounted Engines Noise Shielding Vertical Stabilizers Low Wing Circular Fuselage Spiroid Wing-Tips
Major Design Parameters Value Thrust / Weight Ratio 0.34 Aspect Ratio 12 Wing Loading 87 (lb/ft2) Wing Area 796.4(ft2) Wing Span 97.8 (ft) Canard Area 147.4 (ft2) Canard Span 36.4 (ft)
Scale Three View
Interior Cabin Arrangement
Cabin Amenities and Features List of Amenities / Features Four Passenger Conference Seating One Galley One-Conference Table One-Cocktail Galley Conference-Computer Table Two-Lavatories Pull Down Projector Screen Twenty -28”x18” Windows Six-Reclining Seats One-Pilot Rest Area Two -3 Passenger Sofa Seats Two-Reclining Crew Seats Two-Shared Tables Maximum Passengers: 16 Volume / Passenger max cap.: 150 (ft3)
Cabin Layout and Dimensions
Lifting Canard Designed to provide more lift at high speeds Pros Cons Designed to provide more lift at high speeds Reduces induced drag at cruise May allow for smaller main wing Downwash from canards has large effect on main wings Stability demands that canard stall before main wing, therefore main wing never reaches full lift potential
Canard & N+2 The canard design had a smaller empty weight, but had a larger fuel burn which implies worse total drag performance
Vertical Stabilizer Two vertical stabilizers are placed directly on the wings to shield the engines. The intent was to reduce the noise signature of the aircraft.
Engine Mounting Two engines mounted in rear of the fuselage for reliability and thrust requirements The benefit of mounting the engines above the wing and surrounded by vertical stabilizers will keep noise levels low.
Cabin Considerations Stand up cabin in the aisle to accommodate the “plush” comfort level Crew areas expanded to allow sleeping quarters for reserve pilot Two lavatories and galley necessary for full passenger load
Summary of Advanced Concepts Geared Turbofan 15% reduction in fuel burn Noised lowered to approximately 20 dB below stage 4 50% below CAEP-6 emissions Composites 20% reduction of structural weight Spiroids
Spiroid Wingtips 6-10% drag reduction in cruise flight Yielded a 10% improvement in fuel burn Installed on more than 3,000 aircraft, including several business jet types, as well as the Boeing 737 and 757 airliners Aid the US Federal Aviation Administration in increasing airspace capacity near airports Potential for large decreases in wake intensity. This could substantially alter the requirements for separation distances between lead and following aircraft in airport traffic patterns http://www.flightglobal.com/blogs/flightblogger/2008/06/spiroid-wingtip-technology-the.html
Geometry Calculations MATLAB Code Flowchart Initial Guess Wo Geometry Calculations We Prediction Wfuel Prediction Engine Model Drag Calculation Set W0 guess to W0 calc W0 Calculation W0 = W0 calc
Calibration Factors Calibrated Canard design to Beechcraft Starship Weight Conventional Canard Fuel Weight 0.89 Empty Weight 1.16 0.96 Gross Weight 1.03 0.98
Technology Factors Composites reduced structural weight by 20% Spiroids reduced SFC drag by 10% Canards reduce induced drag (assume 5-10%) Geared turbofan reduced fuel burn (SFC) by 15% Application Tech Value WStructure 0.80 Di (canard only) 0.93 SFC 0.75
Carpet Plots - Conventional Best AR = 10 => W0 = 76000 lbs Limited by top of climb (100 ft/min @ 41k ft) and takeoff distance (4000 ft)
Carpet Plots - Canard Limited by top of climb (100 ft/min @ 41k ft) and takeoff distance (4000 ft)
Canard Sizing Summary AR = 12 T/W = .34 W0/S = 87 W0 = 71,300 lbs Wempty = 38,000 lbs Wfuel = 31,500 lbs Landing ground roll = 2200 ft Takeoff ground roll = 3900 ft
Drag Prediction Component drag build up based on four types of drag Drag: pressure, induced, miscellaneous, and wave Components: pylons, engines, fuselage, wings, etc. Induced drag is a sum of that produced by both the main wing and canard, with the canard contributing its own downwash onto the main wing Viscous effects are not strong enough to damp out the downwash over the distance between the canard and main wing
Drag at Cruise CD,cruise = 0.02665 CD = kCD,p + TF*CD,i + CD,misc + CD,w = 1.05CD,p + TF*CD,i + CD,w = 0.01661 + 0.01002 + 0.00002 CD,cruise = 0.02665
Wing Airfoil Selection Required Cl Takeoff: 1.2 Cruise: 0.46 Landing: 2.0 Supercritical Airfoil use Comparison of RAE 2822 to NASA SC(2)-0610. NASA airfoil would provide higher lift but have a greater moment. NASA SC(2)-0610 selected for wing design. Geometry and comparison from http://www.worldofkrauss.com/
Flap Selection Regular flap vs Single slotted Flap Higher lift, but more complex Can meet required lift of 2.0 with only single slotted flap http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa. gov/19750064451_1975064451.pdf
Tail airfoil Selection Small operating range for angles of attack. Laminar flow foil selected to reduce drag. Symmetrical airfoil. NACA 64(2)-015 was selected for use.
Canard airfoil Symmetric Supercritical airfoil was desired for the canard
Engine Modeling Engine Deck similar to CF-34 Scaled From Data Sheet Generated with ONX/OFFX Scaled From Data Sheet Based on required thrust
Engine Description Geared Turbofan Sea Level Static Thrust: 11,900 lb Bypass Ratio: 12:1
Mission Modeling Calculated fuel weight for individual mission segments 3 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 7100 nm 200 nm 250 lbs 125 lbs 1350 lbs 25200 lbs 280 lbs 130 lbs 2700 lbs 1400 lbs
V-n Diagram Aircraft limited by Clmax at low speeds and by the structure at high speeds Design speed for max gust same as cruse speed due to Clmax at altitude Maneuver load factor nmax = 2.5 nmin = -1 Gust load factor ns_max = 2.63 ns_max = -1.13 Dive Mach Md = .87
V-n Diagram
Payload Range Diagram *Mach = 0.85 Altitude = 41,000 feet Still air range
Thrust Curves at Sea Level
Thrust Curves at Cruise
Structural Overview Fillets Pylons Supported by Bulkheads/ Beams Landing Gear Supporting Structure Frames Door Sills Window Sills Fillets Fillets Shear Webbing Main Spar Longerons Fillets
Structural Load Paths
Structural Highlights
Material Selection Process Static Dissipation and Electrically Conductive Icephobic Coatings Maintenance Cost Density and Fatigue Resistance
Materials Silicones Composites Aluminum Steels Advanced Alloys Ability to maintain its elasticity and low modulus over a broad temperature range provides excellent utility in extreme environments Protection against static accumulation and discharge Composites Light and very strong but maintenance is an issue and is expensive No Established data Aluminum Lower cost Easier certification Established maintenance Steels Used mainly in the landing gear Advanced Alloys Higher elastic modulus Density savings
Aircraft Components Fuselage skins and wing stringers - Aluminum Alloys Better Fatigue Crack Growth (FCG) performance reduces structural weight. Canard, Control surfaces and wing skin panels – Glare Composites Resistant to damage at high temperatures Landing gear – Steel Alloy High strength, corrosion resistant Nose, Leading and Trailing edges - Carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) Lighter than titanium Higher fracture toughness and yield strength
Static Longitudinal Stability Assuming symmetry about the centerline, changes in angle of attack no influence on yaw or roll of aircraft. To achieve stability in pitch, any change in angle of attack must generate resisting moments. Static Margin = (Xnp – Xcg) c.g. must be ahead of the neutral point in order to be stable Typical transport aircraft: 5-10% Xcg Xnp Fuel CG [%fuselage] SM [% chord] Full 68.3 18.3 Empty 62.0 85.8
Control Surface Sizes Control Surface Surface Area [ft2] Rudder 10 x 2 Aileron 15 Elevator 35 Raymer Figure 6.3 – Aileron Sizing Raymer Table 6.5 – Elevator Sizing
Noise Estimation The Method Assumed that engine is primary noise source Evaluated noise due to exhaust and fan Obtained EPNL values with a few approximations: Altitude at 6000m from runway after Takeoff Altitude at 2000m from runway before Landing Volumetric Flow Rate Temperature Pressure
Noise Estimation The Process Find sound power of each source Convert to sound power level (SWL) Calculate sound pressure level (SPL) based on SWL and distance from source Assumes spherical wave propagation Adjust for A-weighted SPL Calculate dominant tonal frequency Convert to Noy based on SPL and dominant tonal frequency using equal loudness contours Sum Noy for both the exhaust jet and fan Convert from Noy to PNL Calculate EPNL based on PNL
Noise Estimation The Results EPNL dB prediction for engine models without airplane noise shielding Geared Turbofan Unducted Fan Sideline 97 102 Takeoff 90 95 Approach 100
Noise Estimation Noise estimation for installed Geared Turbofan in EPNL dB Stage 4 - total 274 EPNL dB Location Airplane Noise [EPNL dB] Sideline 87 Takeoff 80 Approach Total 254
Cost: Purchase Price Production run of 150 aircraft assumed Based on comparable aircraft, projected market growth RAND DAPCA IV Model CERs prepared from statistical cost data Predicts RDT&E and flyaway costs Engine costs estimated separately GTF in appropriate thrust class assumed to exist in 2020
Cost: Purchase Price Engineering Tooling Manufacturing Quality Control Development Support Flight Test Manufacturing Materials Engine Cost Avionics Cost Investment Cost Factor Production Run Aircraft Purchase Price $1,250,000,000 $764,000,000 $2,186,000,000 $355,000,000 $210,000,000 $44,700,000 $886,000,000 $3,610,000 $1,820,000 10% 150 airframes $49,700,000 (2009 dollars)
Cost: Operations and Maintenance Included expenses and assumptions: Utilization: 500 hours per year – 200 cycles Fuel Costs Price: $4.50/gallon Jet A Crew salaries Three crew on average flight, paid per block hour Estimated using CERs from Boeing data Maintenance (labor and materials) MMH/FH: 3 Materials costs estimated using RAND CERs Insurance Hull Insurance Rate: 0.32% Depreciation Average 10% of airframe value per year
Cost: Operations and Maintenance Fuel Crew Maintenance labor Maintenance materials Insurance Depreciation Total Cost (No Depreciation) Total (Depreciation) (500 flight hours per year) $1,510/hr $714/hr $282/hr $619/hr $136,000/yr $4,250,000/yr $3,400/hr $8,500/hr (2009 dollars)
Requirements Compliance Matrix Performance Characteristics Target Threshold Current Still Air Range 7100 nm 6960 nm MTOW Takeoff Ground Roll 4000 ft 5000 ft 3900 ft Max. Passengers 16 8 Volume per Passenger per Hour (Design) 13.3 ft3/(pax⋅hr) 2.28 ft3/(pax⋅hr) 20.7 ft3/(pax⋅hr) Cruise Mach 0.85 0.8 Initial Cruise Altitude 41000 ft 40000 ft Cumulative Certification Noise Limits 274 dB 254 dB Cruise Specific Range 0.3 nm/lb 0.26 nm/lb 0.31 nm/lb Loading Door Sill Height 4 ft 5 ft Operating Cost $4100/hr $4300/hr $3400/hr
Summary of N+2 Goals Criteria Goal Our Aircraft Achieved Noise -42 dB below Stage 4 -20 dB No Emissions -75% -50% Fuel Burn -40% -25% Takeoff Field Length -33%
Plausibility Not Currently N+2 goals are difficult to meet Worth pursuing Significant improvements over current performance possible
Additional Work Structural Analysis Aerodynamic Analysis Fatigue and temperature analysis Sizing of spars and ribs Aerodynamic Analysis CFD Wind Tunnel Testing Manufacturing process Engine Boundary layer ingestion