ConferenceXP A versatile video conferencing tool for the Performing Arts José Feghali Texas Christian University School of Music
ConferenceXP – a brief history Project began at Microsoft Research in 2001 Successful deployment for distance learning, Spring 2003 First 4-way distance learning deployment Autumn 2004 Center for Collaborative Technologies at UW established, July 2007 August 2008, CXP 5.0 released
TCU/RAM Masterclass 2007
2008 Developments CXP 4 - audio limited to 22 Kbps Uncompressed audio – possible? It is all about buffers! Sync Bonus = (compressed) video with uncompressed audio, any audio source Up to 16 bits, 48 KHz stereo (and above?) Quality V/C ~ 3 Mbps (1.5 Mbps video) Uncompressed video and audio ~ DVTS
Proof of concept >>> CXP 5 Advanced Settings >>>
Venue Service
The Good Free for educational and research use Video/Audio independence with sync adjust Webcam, DV video or other video input Internal and external audio Low latency Multicast, unicast, reflector service Multipoint conferencing (bandwidth?) with multiple compression levels Multi-camera possibilities from one location
Security (venue password, encryption) Nat/Firewall transversal, diagnostics Ability to stream CXP session live (WM) Archive service = recording + playback “Bonus” features include chat, presentation, whiteboard, screen sharing, video playback Intel Mac (iSight drivers from boot camp) Wiki, forums, listserver The Good (cont.)
The Bad No DV audio (yet…) ** STOP PRESS** Compressed DV video requires WMP10 VISTA use requires installing CODEC - may not work with compressed DV video Accurate testing = use two computers High compression = high CPU usage
Usage Notes and Future Some firewire devices work, others don’t Metronome method for synching.NET framework – archive requires SQL Firewall ports DV video – lower than 720x480 resolution High bandwidth = switch off FEC Future plans: HD, multi-channel audio (?), venue redesign – CXP 5.1 in March 2009
Links Downloads: Source code: Forums: Wiki: Projects: Listserver:
Paul Cortese – Assistant to the Director Juan Guillermo Vizcarra
THANKS! Fred Videon - CCT, U of W Jason Van Eaton -Microsoft Justin Trieger - NWS Brian Shepard - USC Richard Gipson - TCU School of Music Paul Cortese - TCU School of Music