The Full Tomb Read John 20:1-18
When seeing the tomb was empty the women were concerned someone had stolen the body What happened to the body? Theory of relativity, mass – energy equivalence E = M * C **2 M = E/C**2
The empty tomb is shorthand for the resurrection. Tombs are always empty because only the body is there, not the spirit “Victory in Jesus” – tomb is full of hope Hell lost at the tomb Hell is in many forms – fear, hate, dread, despair Replace with love, hope, glory, anticipation When someone you love dies, how does the resurrection of Jesus help you deal with the pain?
Death destroys loveliest of expectations Read John 10:10 empty tomb means abundant life Read Acts 17:6 changed disciples All learning, power, and leadership on side of Jews and Romans New Christian leaders not an impressive lot Probably never traveled more than 50 miles from home Every reason to go into hiding What do you rely on as evidence that Jesus rose from the dead?
Mary Magdalene was accompanied by other women Mary the mother of James (Joseph’s sister-in- law) Mary the mother of Jesus not there Joanna (or Salome) Salome is Mary’s sister
Mary Magdalene’s experience is interrupted by story of Peter and John Peter and John probably not staying in same house Peter being bolder went right in Peter had rebounded and probably wanted forgiveness John being younger probably outran Peter John more perceptive and recognized significance of undisturbed clothes John’s view of resurrection was that physical body quickly changed to a spiritual body Same as Pauline version If body had been carried away clothes would have been disturbed
Verse 9 – What scripture is referred to here? Primitive Christians searched the literature (OT) for predictions that foretold the events of Jesus’s life. Read John 2:22 and Psalms 16:10 Mary Magdalene returns to tomb with Peter and John, but they had left before she got there Mark – young man, Luke – 2 men, Matthew – an angel Then Jesus appears to her (notice he first appears to a woman, not one of the 12)
How do we apply these verses to our daily life Examine three things about Mary Magdalene Mary is seeking a dead Jesus, looking in the wrong place What does that mean in today’s terms? Today many seek the Jesus of 2000 years ago, not the living Christ of today We need to experience the risen Lord
Christ comes to Mary, not Mary comes to Christ What does that mean in today’s terms? God seeks us out when we have lost Him and cannot seem to find Him no matter how hard we search What are some times when you seem to have lost God and how did He find you?
Although seeking Jesus with her whole being Mary Magdalene did not recognize Jesus at first Perhaps he had changed in some way She recognized Him when he called her name Sheep recognizing the voice of the shepherd How do we see Jesus in specific people and events, including the least of these such as the 9/11 bombers
Verse 18 – Why was Mary forbidden to touch Jesus and Thomas invited to do so? Maybe she thought he had returned for good, but He knew He had to leave and return later.
Why was the stone moved? The women knew the stone was there but went anyway. The stone was too heavy for them thus unmovable In spite of our belief in God we often look at the world in terms of the physical and things become impossible for us
God had the answer for them Read Matthew 28:2. Read Mark 10:27 Victor Hugo – “The tomb is not a blind alley but a thoroughfare.” The stone that was rolled away was a gravestone Death is merely a temporary separation in terms of eternity
The tomb was empty so that we might be filled!