Project Progress Presentation Coffee delivery mission Dec, 10, 2007 NSH 3211 Hyun Soo Park, Iacopo Gentilini 1
What we have done - Mapping - A-floor corridors map from sonar sensor - Motion control - Way point local planner - Path planning with D* algorithm - Grid base algorithm with 4 connectivities - Dynamic obstacle detection and rebuilding map from sonar sensor - Kalman filetering with Sonar sensor - Current position estimation - Image processing with camera vision synchronize - Deterministic current position and orientation synchronization
3 Strengths and weaknesses - Motion control - low sliding due to reduced velocity - big angular movements - Path planning with D* algorithm -quick computation on the robot pc - coarse grid resolution forced to use 4 neighbors - Kalman filetering with Sonar sensor - effective tool to filter noisy sonar data - Image processing with camera vision synchronize - high precision in “good regions” but big errors outside these areas
Demo video