Extended features in webvoyage - forwarded searches and RSS feeds EndUser 2006 Session: 53 Track: WebVoyage/Public Services Level: Mixed Daniel Forsman, GSLG / Kalmar consortia Orebro University, Sweden
Background Web / Library 2.0 RSS – New books Time out & Re-init search Iframes Forwarded Searches Ideas & examples
Orebro University 1300 staff students 2002/ full time University Library 50 Staff 2 Systems librarians 3 System technicans Items Bibs Windows 2K Terminal - Server Linux clients
GSLG Kalmar Voyager Consortia Kalmar University Orebro University The Stockholm Institute of Education University College of Boras Vaxjo University mutual Systems librarian 1 Database server 2 Application servers Stockholm University National Library
Systems librarian - Problem solving - Application handling - Development - Teaching 5 Years at Orebro No previous programming/systems background Simple librarian with a interest If I can do this, so can you!
Web / Library 2.0 Anchor the presentation in a development context More interesting than the examples A trend of web based applications and data exchange Pushing data in and out of our systems uPortal, federated searches, webCT, e-content management systems …
Web 2.0 The web as platform – Webservices – Trust the users Web 1.0 Web 2.0 DoubleClickGoogle AdSense OfotoFlickr AkamaiBitTorrent mp3.comNapster Britannica OnlineWikipedia personal websitesblogg Ingeviteupcoming.org and EVDB domain name speculationsearch engine optimization page viewscost per click screen scrapingweb services Publishingparticipation content management systemswikis directories (taxonomy)tagging ("folksonomy") Stickinesssyndication What Is Web 2.0 : Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software By Tim O´Reilly
”SQL is the new HTML” Who owns the data ”Internet operating system” Users are co-developers
Library 2.0 Library 2.0 is a model for library service that reflects a transition within the library world in the way that services are delivered to library users. This redirection will be especially evident in electronic offerings such as OPAC configuration, online library services, and an increased flow of information from the user back to the library. With Library 2.0 library services are constantly updated and reevaluated to best serve library users. Library 2.0 also attempts to harness the library user in the design and implementation of library services by encouraging feedback and participation. The concept of Library 2.0 borrows from that of Web 2.0, and follows some of the same philosophies underpinning that concept. Proponents of this concept expect that ultimately the Library 2.0 model for service will replace outdated, one-directional service offerings that have characterized libraries for centuries. Wikipedia – Library 2.0
RSS RSS is defined as Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary. RSS files are formed as XML files and are designed to provide content summaries of news, blogs, forums or website content. The idea is for a feed to contain content that will be updated on a regular basis.
Sample of RSS 2.0 structure
New Books – RSS Feed New books list based on line item status – received complete A PHP based search page for new books. Lists news according to fund structure. Added RSS feed for each institution. Updated daily. In Swedish … Google Feedreader
CRONTAB Runs daily ORACLE Supplies data for xml files Web searches for new books UserRSS reader Hum.xml Sample RSS 2.0 file Createrss.php crontab, generates.xml files result.php Brings back results for Web searches – New books Nytt.html Start page for Web searches New books Browser
Review of the code Specific for our way of defining New books. Need to modify for your definition!
Time out & Re-init search When webvoyage time outs Present a hyperlink with the last performed search. Lets the user know that the session timed out Security – Privacy Same idea as with the forwarded searches
webvoyage Webconerr.htm body-tag reference to timeout.js. UserBrowser Timeout.js forward the URL to PHP create IFRAME Research.php parse the url and present link back to webvoyage
//Retreive and store webpage title. var TITLE = window.document.title; //Retreive and store webpage URL var URLstr = document.URL; //Define window titles to look for var titleToLookForList = 'Time-out!'; //if we have window title, create variable with url, replace & with ||| if (TITLE==titleToLookForList) { var IFRAMEstr=' '; //Write variable containing iframe and URL document.write(IFRAMEstr) }
PHP-Part Receive URL Create link back to webvoyage in iframe
IFRAME is a HTML 4.0 Element The IFRAME element defines an inline frame for the inclusion of external objects An inline frame is a ”floating frame” that embeds a document into an HTML document. It is displayed inside a subwindow of the browser’s window This does not mean full inclusion; the two documents are independent, and both of them are treated as complete documents, instead of treating one as part of the other. Browser support Internet Explorer version 3, Mozilla and Netscape 6 supports iframe. iCab supports it, with a user option to disable the support. WebTV Plus has iframe support Lynx handles iframe in a manner similar to its treatment of normal frames Opera 4.0 supports iframe, with the option to turn the support off
... Attribute Specifications SRC=URI (URI of frame content) NAME=CDATA (name of frame) LONGDESC=URI (link to long description) WIDTH=Length (frame width) HEIGHT=Length (frame height) ALIGN=[ top | middle | bottom | left | right ] FRAMEBORDER=[ 1 | 0 ] (frame border) MARGINWIDTH=Pixels (margin width) MARGINHEIGHT=Pixels (margin height) SCROLLING=[ yes | no | auto ] (ability to scroll)
The Famous Recipe Ingredients...
Forwarded Search Forward the search terms entered Into webvoyage to other services / databases URL parsing : all searchwords are in the webvoyage URL bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?SAB1=american+democracy&BOOL1=all+of+these&FLD1=Fritext+%2F+Keyword+ Anywhere+%28GKEY%29&GRP1=AND+with+next+set&SAB2=&BOOL2=all+of+these&FLD2=Fritext+ %2F+Keyword+Anywhere+%28GKEY%29&PID=17050&SEQ= &CNT=25&HIST=1 Search_arg for Simple search
Webvoyage SAB or Search_arg Footer.html / nohitsmsg.htm Reference to Moresearch.js External source Moresearch.js Retrieves the URL and passes it on to a.php script in iframe Moresearch.php Generates the links to external source IFRAME Displays links to external source, generated by PHP
Code review ”Federated searches” in your OPAC Same method can be used to perform federated searches. Instead of just linking to a service you can fopen() it and screen scrape for result. Then display a link with the search result displayed. Works fine but you could run into Poxy problems
Voyager + External system = True? ILL opac integration Collects data from external ILL system (SAGA). Uses a iframe and Voyager External authentications system PERL Created by Urban University College of Boras uPortal xml schema Created to provide uPortal with patron data from Voyager PERL and XML Created by Peter Orebro University No public access
Other ideas Import extra information like covers, toc:s etc User tagging – stored in external database Use AJAX
References PHP & Voyager: PHP and MySQL Web Development : Wellington & Thomson Libraryola - My Library 2.0 Reading List: library-20-reading-list.html What Is Web Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software by Tim O’Reilly : 20.html Using inline frames: IFRAME specification : RSS specifications: