By Brett Schmiege
What if you where lost in the wilderness, could you make it out alive? Being able to live and take care of yourself in an unfamiliar place, started at the beginning of time. Human beings are equipped with the survival instinct to be utilized in life threatening situations.
Here are some tips on surviving in the woods! Panicking is your enemy. “Panic is more dangerous than almost anything else, because it interferes with the operation of your single best, most useful and versatile survival tool: your mind.
Always remember to keep a positive mental attitude. Don't add any extra burden to yourself by falling into a destructive mental state like feeling self-pity or hopelessness. -Think of being lost as an opportunity to explore a new area. Once you get over that you have to start to gather food and build a shelter
Shelter not only provides the necessary protection from heat, cold, wind or rain, but also serves as a base of operations and provides a boost to morale against the deteriorating affects of noises in the night. Some simple shelters are:
Here is an example of the Poncho tent This an extremely easy shelter to put together Its a good one if its snowing or raining out
Food is very important and should be one of your first priorities, especially when it starts to get dark Gather as much food as possible you never know what could happen!!!
Stay Hydrated As you are gathering all your materials don’t for get to find a source of water. Even if its cold out, you may not notice that your sweating but you most likely are
Fire its smart to get a fire going to dry out clothing and to cook over, nothing worse then sleeping in the bitter cold
Planet Earth has so much to offer you just have to know how to utilize what's given to you