BH60A1101 Environmental Technology Project Work: Sustainable Innovation 5 ECTS cr
Sustainable Innovation Aim of the course: By the end of the course, the student is familiar with the concept of sustainable innovation. He knows how to use different innovative methods and processes to solve sustainability challenges. Student is able to work on a multicultural group and produce a scientific written report and a seminar presentation about his findings. Content of the course −The concept of sustainable innovation −Practice based innovation −Different methods for innovative problem solving −Working in a multicultural group −Producing a research report on the basis of a real life case example or a literature review. This will be accomplished by using participatory working methods. To motivate students we aim to execute the best ideas.
The structure of the course −5 ECTS credits −Intensive lectures 5 h −Innovation: Tuomo Uotila −Sustainable innovation: Lassi Linnanen −Brainstorm sessions −Lecture diary −Project work −Seminar presentations −Noppa learning platform in use −Course material, information, instructions will be distributed in Noppa! −Course will be held until end of 4th period. Footer
Brainstorm sessions Aim of the sessions −motivate the students −benefit from the different viewpoints of the students −complementary for the project work Participatory methods and real-life case examples Timetable for the brainstorm sessions autumn 2011 (week 45 and 47) Tuesday 8.11 at (including the project work instructions) Friday at Footer
Project work −A larger project work −Based on a real-life case example −Obligatory −Executed in multicultural groups (participants will be drafted according to their nationality, gender, age) −Individual workload will be demonstrated in the lecture diary −Kick-off will be integrated to the brainstorm session on 8th of November −Follow up with the group and the course assistant 2nd and 3rd period −Seminar presentations will be held in the 4th period
Lecture diary −The aim: the student −Reflects his personal learning (lectures, brainstorm sessions, project work ideas risen, difficulties) −Gives feedback of the course content and execution −Monitors the workload −Personal −Obligatory −Further instructions given end of these lectures (20th of October) −Also in Noppa Footer
Evaluation of the course −Evaluation with the scale 1-5 −Lecture diary 20 points −Project work 80 points Both 50% of the overall score to pass −Lecture diary 20%, project work and seminars 80% Footer
The course personnel −Professor Lassi Linnanen room 3423 −Assistant Liisa Lahti room 6530 Footer