Project-based Learning EDT3470 February 6 & 8, 2012
PBL Example 1 ping-technology-data-collection- video ping-technology-data-collection- video Fourth-grade students make meaningful contributions to science through the nationwide NatureMapping program.
PBL Example 2 video video A field trip from Ferryway School, near Boston, to the nation's oldest ironworks is captured with the latest tech. The students had to “earn” a ticket to the field trip.
Earning a “ticket” to go on a field trip is a great way to get students to do their assignments. True False
PBL Example 3 tech-video tech-video A Honolulu school uses technology to illuminate an ancient heritage.
Collaboration is an important element of Project Based Learning. True False
KWL Know Wonder Learn
I am here: A. Yes B. No Attendance
A. Interesting and relevant B. Just interesting C. Just relevant D. Uninteresting and irrelevant Today’s lecture was: