Haishan Liu 1, Gwen Frishkoff 2, Robert Frank 1, Dejing Dou 1 1 University of Oregon 2 Georgia State University
ERP (Event-Related Potentials): a direct measure of neural activity Lack of meta-analysis across experiment NEMO (Neural ElectroMagnetic Ontologies) for data sharing and integration Goal of the presented study Mapping alternative sets of ERP spatial and temporal measures
Alternative sets of ERP metrics
Semi-structured data
Uninformative column headers
Semi-structured data Uninformative column headers Numerical values
Value vector to point-sequence curve Use clustering analysis to identify subsequences Assign meaningful labels to subsequences Align subsequences across different datasets Sequence post-processing Evaluate similarities of the curves to determine the mapping (cross-spatial join)
Cluster labels Meaningful labels Point-sequence curve
Process all point- sequence curves Calculate Euclidean distance between sequences in the Cartesian product set (Cross-spatial join) ● ● ●● ● ● Metric Set1 Metric Set2
the two datasets contain the same or similar ERP patterns
1-to-1 mapping between metrics
the two datasets contain the same or similar ERP patterns 1-to-1 mapping between metrics Minimum sum of distances >
Wrong Mappings. Precision = 9/13 Gold standard mapping falls along the diagonal cells
3-Factor design of experiment data (Fully factorial: 2 x 2 x 2) 2 simulated “subject groups” (samples) ▪ SG1 = sample 1 ▪ SG2 = sample 2 2 data decompositions ▪ tPCA = temporal PCA decomposition ▪ sICA = spatial ICA decomposition 2 sets of alternative metrics ▪ m1 = metric set 1 ▪ m2 = metric set 2
Overall Precision: 84.6%
We describe a method for identifying mappings between alternative sets of ERP measures. Use of an ontology to assign meaningful labels to ERP patterns Application of sequence similarity search in discovering mappings across alternative metrics Extension of the instance-level approach in schema matching Articulation of a global minimum heuristic
Assuming datasets to contain the dissimilar ERP patterns From 1-to-1 mapping to complex mapping Approximation of the global minimum heuristics More tests on real-world data
Questions and comments? Please contact Haishan Liu