Spectrometer Solenoids MICO 146 Steve Virostek LBNL June 6, 2011
LBNL Progress Quench analysis now being finalized Quench resistor cooling test fully assembled and ready for testing Radiation shield eddy current analysis to be complete this week 1 st batch of temperature sensors to be received this week, 2 nd batch + monitors have been ordered Shipping load and modal analyses for shield and cold mass are under way Additional cryo tech help to be identified
Wang NMR Progress Fabrication drawings for magnet modifications are now complete Meeting held last Friday for LBNL review of drawings and revised heat leak calculations Cold mass being prepared to be cut open (awaiting resistor test results) 1100 Al for new shields is at Wang NMR, material to go out for rolling in 1 to 2 weeks Wang NMR will provide quote to LBNL for magnet modifications this week