Strong Implementation of Social Choice Functions in Dominant Strategies Clemens ThielenSven O. Krumke 3rd International Workshop on Computational Social Choice 15 September 2010 TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: A AAAA A A A A AA A
Problem Definition Social choice setting with private information: Strong Implementability
Mechanisms TypesBidsSocial Choices Mechanism: strategy α 1 strategy α n g Strong Implementability Agent 1 Agent n
Utilities and Equilibria Definition: Strong Implementability valuation of the output payment obtained
Utilities and Equilibria Strong Implementability Definition:
Strong Implementation Definition: Strong Implementability
Strong Implementability Problem Strong Implementability Problem The Strong Implementability Problem: Strong Implementability Encoding length:
Augmented Revelation Mechanisms Augmented Revelation Mechanisms Strong Implementability Definition: Augmented Revelation Principle: [Mookherjee, Reichelstein 1990] „incentive compatibility“
Previous Results Strong Implementability
Previous Results (2) Strong Implementability
Our Results Strong Implementability
Augmented Revelation Principle Strong Implementability Augmented Revelation Principle: [Mookherjee, Reichelstein 1990] Augmented Revelation Principle for Dominant Strategies: [this paper]
General Idea (I) Strong Implementability To obtain an augmented revelation mechanism: Definition: see definition to follow soon
Selective Elimination Strong Implementability agent i
Selective Elimination Strong Implementability
Bad Pairs and Elimination Definition: Strong Implementability
Two Important Steps Theorem 2 (selective elimination is necessary): Theorem 3 (selective elimination is sufficient): Strong Implementability
Structure of the Algorithm guess verify Theorem 3 + close look at the proof Definition of selective elimination Strong Implementability
The Verification The Verification Strong Implementability General Approach: Main Observation:
The Payment Polyhedron The Payment Polyhedron Strong Implementability
The Payment Polyhedron (I) The Payment Polyhedron (I) Strong Implementability Inequalities encode which bids are dominant bids. Incentive compatibility & dominant bids
The Payment Polyhedron (II) The Payment Polyhedron (II) Strong Implementability Inequalities encode conditions of selective elimination
The Payment Polyhedron (II) The Payment Polyhedron (II) Strong Implementability Inequalities encode conditions of selective elimination
Verification Issues Strong Implementability Here I am!
Verification Issues We have to handle strict inequalities. To do so, we must find a point in the relative interior of the polyhedron. This can be done by means of the Ellipsoid Method (directly) or by solving a sequence of LPs. Byproduct: Payments are of polynomial encoding length. Strong Implementability
Conclusion Strong Implementability in dominant strategies NP Characterization result generalizes to infinite type spaces Open: Is the problem in P? Useful(?) results: ◦ Augmented Revelation Principle ◦ Selective elimination procedure with polynomially many steps ◦ Payments of polynomial encoding size Strong Implementability NP- complete!
Thank you! Strong Implementability