Rastislav Lasák Field Mapping Training Workshop, 13 – 17 June, 2011 Natura 2000 Biodiversity Information System Field Inventory
Inventory workflow Baseline biodiversity data review Reference lists of HD habitats and species for CG Defining structure of BIS Methodology for field mapping Desktop inventory of species and habitats Field mapping of species and habitats Training on field mapping BIS Distribution maps for species and habitats Validation of maps by local experts GIS calculations on grid layers Selection of pre-pSCIs / additional sites for field mapping Methodology for gathering of existing biodiversity data Draft catalogue of N2K habitats for CG Catalogue of habitats final draft Final p-SCIs proposal
Desktop inventory BIS
Natura 2000 BIS Field Inventory - data flow Field mapping data Field form - A4 format Field map - A3 format Mappers` databases Database form - MS Access GIS map - MS Access BIS - Central Database All mappers databases and their GIS Layers Field mapping data Field form - A4 format Field map - A3 format Mappers` databases Database form - MS Access GIS map - MS Access Field mapping data Field form - A4 format Field map - A3 format Mappers` databases Database form - MS Access GIS map - MS Access N2000 BIS Outputs Data evaluation Maps of distribution pSCI pre-selection BIS Data Manager(s)
Field Inventory - data flow Field mapping data Each habitat/species mapper is responsible for his/her mapsheet (other experts can participate, but only one is responsible) Each locality drawn on the mapsheet has to have unique code and this locality code have to be written in the field form.
Field Inventory - data flow Mappers` databases Each habitat/species mapper receives his/her own database MS Access 2007 or AccessRuntime.exe have to be installed MapWinGIS ActiveX (MapWinGIS-only-v482-installer.exe) have to be installed for GIS module – if not database will work without it Field mapping data are digitalized into database Finished, filled, database and appropriate shapefiles are send to BIS Central DB Data Manager
Field Inventory - data flow BIS – Central Database Gather data from databases and shapefiles of all mappers Recomeded is full version of MS Access 2007 Recomeded is full version of ESRI ArcView 9.x This database needs Data Manager(s)
Field Inventory - data flow BIS – Data Manager(s) BIS Data Manager(s) WHO IS IT ? Key person(s) of BIS Database keeper collaborating with biology experts Prepare/print field forms and field maps for mappers Prepare databases for mappers Import data from mappers` databases Checking data consistency between data and GIS Checking reliability of data Correcting data discrepancies Preparing data for their evaluation and output
Thank you for attention! For any questions contact: Rastislav Lasák DAPHNE – Institute of Applied Ecology Tel.: