Innovative Games for Engaging Teachers in Inquiry Teaching (I GET IT!)
Begin Elementary School Graduate College
…today’s children will use technologies we have yet to imagine… …and face problems that don’t yet exist …and face problems that don’t yet exist … What should we teach them?
Engaging students in developing explanatory scientific models is a powerful instructional strategy. Develop initial model Observe phenomenon Test Model Revise Unfortunately it rarely occurs in schools
Analyzing videos of students learning helps pre-service teachers learn to focus on student ideas
Video from Physics & Everyday Thinking (PET) Charlie Harley
What would you do next?
What if students could see how their instructional decisions might play out? What would you do? A.Option A B.Option B C.Option C D.Option D When carefully designed, games expose players to the problems and problem solving approaches of a profession
Goal 1: Create a “choose your own adventure” style game for teachers Using video footage of actual classrooms
Computer Science, UCSB Science Education, UCSB Game Design Carleton University, Canada Game Design Carleton University, Canada Where we are now
Expert teachers design games *Learn about student ideas *Reflect on own teaching *Consider the process of model based instruction Pre-Service teachers play games *Learn about student ideas *Practice instructional decision making in low stakes environment Playing games is a very effective method of learning Creating
Open Source Branching scenario Text, video, images Wiki platform will allow for collaboration Will allow for participatory learning from users (commenting) Will follow structure of model based inquiry Will make instructional decisions that go into teaching visible Game Features Technical Specs Design Process User friendly Collaborative Track decisions made/iterations