Long Multiplication
Starter! Write 3 Bullet Points: What do you know about Interior and Exterior angles?
Long Multiplication Objectives All can do long multiplication Most can use two different methods to solve long multiplication questions Some can estimate answers using long multiplication
Multiply these numbers… 10 X 20 = 5 X 20 = 30 X 5 = 70 X 3 = 25 X 5 = 40 X 6 = 18 X 15 = 24 X 11 = 39 X 22 =
Three Different Methods 1. Grid method 2. Diagonal method 3. Long method
1. Grid Method X Work out 45 X = 1080 You try…! X 17 = 2.81 X 64 = 3.29 X 45 =
2. Diagonal Method Work out 45 X 24 You try…! X 82 = 2.53 X 21 = 3.96 X 63 =
Diagonal Method continues… 452 X
3. Long method… Work out 45 X X 2 4__ You try…! X 46 = 2.54 X 73 = 3.92 X 14 =
Long Multiplication Objectives All can do long multiplication Most can use two different methods to solve long multiplication questions Some can estimate answers using long multiplication
WILT What I am unsure about…. 1.