New Testing Resources Gary Varner Some resources in Hawaii Experience from developing integrated readout systems 1 6-OCT-2010 Electronics GPC Review
2 Context Access to multi-project infrastructure (radio-neutrino, x-ray FEL, Super KEKB upgrade…) Test beamline in Watanabe Hall commissioned this fall intense flux, ~1ps timing Access to an array of high quality test equipment Expect Hawaii to play an expanded test/characterization role ASIC input coupling studies System timing performance Integrated detector results Key deliverable: papers for students and postdoc
3 Bremsstrahlung x-ray source: UH FEL Target: Thin Cu foil 1 mil Vacuum Al Exit Window 5 mil 10 mil polyethylene Helium filled transport line ~15” Air Plastic cover` Active Si Bulk Si 1mm 2.4um 300 um Carrier FR-4 (PCB) 62.5 mil 200 um First x-rays: September 2010!!!
4 FEL = very tight bunch specs ~ 1ps timing probe Target: Thin Cu foil 1 mil Vacuum Al Exit Window 5 mil 10 mil polyethylene Helium filled bag/volume ~15” Air Plastic cover` Active Si Bulk Si 1mm 2.4um? 300 um Carrier FR-4 (PCB) 62.5 mil 200 um Ebeam = 40MeV 200mA e- Macropulse BaF2 radiator 10 mil BaF2 Single Pulse
5 Readout for FEL x-ray beamline Detectors ASICs Front-end Module Master Module Giga-bit Fiber links cPCI crate (control room) New card CPU X-rays Master module
6 Mono-chromatic x-ray Source
7 Front-end Electronics studies J-F Genat, G. Varner, F. Tang, H. Frisch NIM A607 (2009) G. Varner and L. Ruckman NIM A602 (2009) GHz analog bandwidth, 5GSa/s Simulation includes detector response
8 Another example Detailed input characterization ANITA and Askaryan Radio Array (south pole) require high quality RF electronics characterization equipment: 8 GHz, high sensitivity Network analyzers Noise figure meters TDR Fast impulse generators In addition to piLas and other resources mentioned previously
9 Ice Radio Sampler (IRS) RF input coupling (S11) P. Gorham -- measurement
10 Ice Radio Sampler (IRS) P. Gorham -- measurement
11 Summary There is a HUGE amount of firmware and readout software development work still Use overlap with other projects to bring additional resources to bear Exploit existing capabilities for detailed characterization and insight into ways to improve ASIC/system performance Both xFEL commissioned and new test equipment since last GP Review
Backup Slides Some background context… 12