“Simon Says” Originated from the Latin “Cicero says do this” A.D. 1264 Simon Montfort captured Henry III- for next year Henry III had to do everything.


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Presentation transcript:

“Simon Says” Originated from the Latin “Cicero says do this” A.D Simon Montfort captured Henry III- for next year Henry III had to do everything that Simon said

“Simon Says” Other languages use “Simon”- Spanish, Icelandic, Polish, Korean “James says”- French “John says”- Quebec “O’Grady says”- Irish “Herzl says”- Hebrew

“Simon Says” “The general commanded”- Egyptian “The king commands”- Norwegian, Portuguese “The master commands”- Brazilian Portuguese “The captain commands”- Finnish “The ship captain orders”- Japanese “The teacher says”- Lebanese, Cantonese

“Simon Says” Players are put out of the game: Not doing what Simon says Doing something that Simon did not say to do Teaches the ability to distinguish between valid and invalid commands (universally recognized) If Simon says, there is authority to act If Simon does not say, there is no authority to act

“Jesus Says” Father gave Jesus the right to command Phil 2:5-11; Eph 1:20-22; Mt 28:18-20 Jesus is the Father’s only prophet or spokesman Heb 1:1-4; Mt 17:1-5 Jesus speaks through His apostles and prophets Jn 16:12-15; Eph 2:20 Consequences of not doing what Jesus says are much worse than being put out of a game Dt 18:18-19 (Acts 3:20-22); Heb 2:1-4; Mt 7:24-27

“Jesus Says” Jesus says- believe, confess, repent and be baptized in order to be saved from sin Rom 10:9-10; Acts 2:38 Accept Jesus as your personal Savior. Say the sinner’s prayer.

“Jesus Says” Jesus says be baptized- immersed - meaning of the word- Acts 2:38 - requires much water- Jn 3:23 - go into water- come up out of Acts 8: is a burial Rom 6:4; Col 2:12 Sprinkle. Pour.

“Jesus Says” Jesus says baptize believers who have repented Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38 Baptize babies.

“Jesus Says” Pray to the Father in His name; approach the Father through Him as high priest (mediator) Jn 14:13-14; Heb 4:14-16 Confess your sins through a “priest”. Let Mary and the saints intercede for you.

“Jesus Says” Jesus says, take the Lord’s Supper on the 1 st day of the week- Acts 20:7 Take it on Saturday. Take it daily. Take it once a month. Take it once a quarter. Take it once a year.

“Jesus Says” Jesus says use unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine for the Lord’s Supper Mt 26:17, 26, 29 Eat leavened bread. Drink water. Let only the “priests”* drink the cup. *Jesus says all Christians are priests 1 Pet 2:5

“Jesus Says” Jesus says all Christians are to worship God with singing Eph 5:19; Col 3:16 Form a choir or chorus. Use instrumental music.

“Jesus Says” Jesus says, take a collection on the 1 st day of the week 1 Cor 16:1-2 Collect on Wednesday. Use fundraisers.

“Jesus Says” Jesus says- -elders are to oversee the flock among them- Acts 20:28; 1 Pet 5:2 Oversee all congregations- city. Oversee all congregations- state. Oversee all congregations- region. Oversee all congregations- country. Oversee all congregations- world.

“Jesus Says” Jesus says for a church to help needy saints at home and elsewhere Acts 2:44-45; 11:27-30 Provide relief for all the world’s needy.* *Jesus says for the individual Christian to help all needy- Gal 6:10; Js 1:27

Where is the “Jesus Says”? Celebrate Jesus’ birthday. (Christmas) Celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. (Easter) Let the church sponsor or provide sports, recreation and entertainment. Let the church provide healthcare. Let the church supply childcare. Let the church teach secular education. Let the church operate businesses.

“Jesus Says” We must distinguish between valid and invalid commands (as universally recognized) Jesus says, there is authority to act If Jesus does not say, there is no authority to act

“Jesus Says” Father gave Jesus the right to command Jesus is the Father’s only prophet or spokesman Jesus speaks through His apostles and prophets Consequences of not doing what Jesus says are much worse than being put out of a game!

“Jesus Says” Those who do what “Jesus Says” are the winner The prize is eternal life! Heb 5:8-9