Adnan Khan Department of Mathematics Lahore University of Management Sciences
Introduction Theory of Periodic Homogenization The Advection Diffusion Equation – Eulerian and Lagrangian Pictures Non Standard Homogenization Theory Summary International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
Many physical systems involve more than one time/space scales Usually interested in studying the system at the large scale Multiscale techniques have been developed for this purpose We would like to capture the information at the fast/small scales in some statistical sense International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
Heterogeneous Porous Media Bhattacharya, Asymptotics of solute dispersion in periodic porous media, SIAM J. APPL. MATH 49(1):86-98, 1989 Plasma Physics Soward, Large Magnetic Reynold number dynmo action in spatially periodic flow with mean motion, Proc. Royal Soc. Lond. A 33: Ocean Atmospheric Science Cushman-Roisin, Interactions between mean flow and finite amplitude mesoscale eddies in a baratropic ocean Geophys. Astrpophys. Fkuid Dynamics 29: , 1984 Astrophysics Knobloch, Enhancement of diffusive transport in Oscillatory Flows, Astroph. J., 401: , 1992 Fully Developed Turbulence Lesieur. M., Turbulence in Fluids, Fluid Mechanics and its Applications 1, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1990 International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
To smooth out small scale heterogeneities Assume periodicity at small scales for mathematical simplification Capture the behavior of the small scales in some ‘effective parameter’ Obtain course grained ‘homogenized’ equation at large scale International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
As a ‘toy’ problem consider the following Dirichlet Problem D is periodic in the second ‘fast’ argument International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
Using the ‘ansatz’ Where are periodic functions We obtain International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
Collecting terms with like powers of ε we obtain the following asymptotic hierarchy O(1): O( ε ): O( ε 2 ): International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
Applying periodicity and zero mean conditions O(1) O( ε ) where → The ‘Cell Problem’ O( ε 2 ) on Homogenized on Equation International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
We have obtained an ‘homogenized’ equation The effective diffusivity is given by Where the average over a period is a is obtained by solving the ‘cell problem’ International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
Transport is governed by the following non dimensionalized Advection Diffusion Equation There are different distinguished limits Weak Mean Flow Equal Strength Mean Flow Strong Mean Flow International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
We study the simplest case of two scales with periodic fluctuations and a mean flow The case of weak and equal strength mean flows has been well studied For the strong mean flow case standard homogenization theory seems to break down International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
For the first two cases we obtain a coarse grained effective equation is the effective diffusivity given by is the solution to the ‘cell problem’ The goal is to try an obtain a similar effective equation for the strong mean flow case International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
We study the transport using Monte Carlo Simulations for tracer trajectories We compare our MC results to numerics obtained by extrapolating homogenization code We develop a non standard homogenization theory to explain our results International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
We use Monte Carlo Simulations for the particle paths to study the problem The equations of motion are given by The enhanced diffusivity is given by International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
Some MC runs with Constant Mean Flow & CS fluctuations MC and homogenization results agree Need a modified Homogenization theory International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
We consider one distinguished limit where we take We develop a Multiple Scales calculation for the strong mean flow case in this limit We get a hierarchy of equations (as in standard Multiple Scales Expansion) of the form is the advection operator, is a smooth function with mean zero over a cell International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
We develop the correct solvability condition for this case We want to see if becomes large on time scales This is equivalent to estimating the following integral The magnitude of this integral will determine the solvability condition International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
has mean zero over a ‘cell’ Two cases Low order rational ratio High Order rational ratio Magnitude of Integral in both these cases International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June Change to coordinates ‘s’ & ‘t’ along and perpendicular to the characteristics Estimate magnitude of the integral in traversing the cell over the characteristics
Analysis of the integral gives the following Hence the magnitude of the integral depends on the ratio of and For low order rational ratio the integral gets in time For higher order rational ratio the integral stays small over time International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
We develop the asymptotic expansion in both the cases We have the following multiple scales hierarchy We derive the effective equation for the quantity International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
For the low order rational case we get For the high order rational ratio case we get International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June
Brief exposition of Periodic Homogenization Toy Problem to illustrate the process Advection Diffusion Equation Eulerian Approach – Homogenization Lagrangian Approach – Monte Carlo Simulation Non Standard Homogenization Theory International Symposium on Frontiers of Computational Sciences (ISFCS), Islamabad, June