Proposed Fire Suppression Service Gary Holte, Manager, Environment & Engineering Services Peter Jarman Manager Finance and IT Services
Fire Hall Location within Kicking Horse Mt Resort Land to be donated by the Resort Should include accommodations for 6 volunteer firefighters (to help with minimum response requirements) Estimated Cost $1.3 Million
Emergency Apparatus Pumper Truck (Engine) Estimated Cost $300,000 Tanker Truck (Tender) Estimated Cost $200,000
Dispatch and Communications System E is available throughout the CSRD. A five year agreement is in place with the City of Surrey for fire dispatch. The cost of this service will be included in the annual operating budget
Volunteers 16 trained & equipped volunteers (including a chief) are required The Chief role could be shared by an employee of the Resort
Recruitment of volunteers Retention Fire Chief
Trained personnel Certified equipment Reduction of property insurance premiums
Annual Taxation for Operation (annual operating budget $170,828) Annual Taxation for Debt Retirement (anticipated cost $170,000 per year) In 2011 CSRD Feasibility Study Fund borrowing for Mitchell Report and assent process to be repaid by service area ($22,500) (based on the assessment value of land & improvements)
Administration Insurance/WCB Training Fire Chief Volunteer Honourariums Maintenance (Building/Equipment/Grounds) Vehicle Expenses (gas, oil, etc.) Dispatch Advertising Utilities Debt Retirement
CSRD neutral KHMR Distribute petitions Petition Process – property owners only If property owned by multiple owners, majority must sign Petitions must be returned by closing date Petitions returned to CSRD
Requires completed Petitions from: 50% of the properties within the proposed service area WHICH MUST Have a combined assessment equal to 50% of the total assessment for the service proposed area
Total Number of Properties: 376 Total Assessment: $186 million Successful assent will require : 188 completed petitions With cumulative assessed value of $93 million
Refer to tax notice or other document to obtain legal description If you are a new owner, submit documentation proving ownership with your petition. If property is in a company name, provide proof of authorization to sign on behalf of company