The mission of the Sustainable Energy System for Education (SESE) family of projects is to design, develop, build, test, and deliver interchangeable sustainable energy technological solutions for use by future senior design teams and undergraduate engineering class projects in the KGCOE, beginning fall semester The SESE projects should demonstrate the core functions of sustainable systems. All work produced should be in an open source / open architecture format, encouraging use of the technologies by others. The end-users needs a sustainable energy system to provide power to their individual devices which require varying power and weight needs. The end-user needs a sustainable energy system to reduce costs of operation and to move towards a more environmentally-friendly energy lifestyle while still having it provide as good or better operation as their currently implemented energy systems. The end-user needs a sustainable energy system for educational purposes that has room for future expansion and development and is easy to use for the target primary audience of incoming freshmen. This system needs to meet the faculty-set deadline to be ready for these freshmen to use. The stakeholders all desire a sustainably rechargeable system because they do not want to rely on the traditional grid energy for their applications in an effort to become more "Green" and environmentally friendly. They also want to reduce costs by using free, renewable energy to recharge their power supplies. The SESE system needs to meet or exceed current stakeholder benchmarks in order for the SESE system to be economically justifiable. Most of the stakeholders have some type of power system in place currently, so the SESE system developed needs to meet all the current functions of those systems and improve in areas that are considered weak by the stakeholder. The SESE System needs to provide power to meet the individual stakeholder needs. Each stakeholder has slightly different power requirements so the SESE power system must be scalable in order to meet all the desired stakeholder power needs. The SESE system needs to have optimal power density to meet varying stakeholder applications. Some stakeholders need the power supply to be lightweight while retaining the power output so the system needs to have a good power-to-weight ratio. Other stakeholders are not as concerned with weight for their application so power output is more important to them. The power supply has to meet stakeholder runtime requirements to be useful for all applications. The customers need their devices to run for specific times that vary by application. Since these runtime needs vary vastly between stakeholders, so the system needs to be scalable to meet all of these needs. The SESE system needs to be modular so that individual components can be easily interchangeable as different modules are developed to be more cost effective or more efficient than their predecessors. Since the system is "for education", the stakeholders want the system to have room for growth for future senior design work. The SESE system needs to be easy to use and intuitive because the primary users may not have a large knowledge base of sustainable energy systems. The system also needs to be reliable for the same reason. The SESE system needs to be delivered by the given deadlines because the stakeholders need the system to package with the LVE and WOCCES projects to be deliverable to the incoming freshman class in 2013.