Skills: none Concepts: wiki examples and definition, operations, the wiki motto, wiki motivation and history, client- server applications This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. What is a wiki?
Where does this topic fit? Internet concepts – Applications – Technology – Implications Internet skills – Application development – Content creation – User skills
Watch Wikis in Plain English (3m 40s)
A wiki is a web site with a twist Any authorized user can view and edit it
How is a wiki different from a regular Web site? 2+2=4 uglysimplecollaborative
Page viewing and editing area A typical wiki screen layout
Navigation pane Page viewing and editing area Select operation to perform Simplified screen layout
Edit Save The page you are editing Editing a page
The wiki motto Improve the wiki with every edit.
Client and server Client Server
Ward Cunningham and the first wiki
Self-study questions 1.We mentioned three differences between a wiki and a regular Web site – do you recall them? 2.We covered five operations common to all wikis – do you recall them? 3.What is the wiki motto? 4.Why did Ward Cunningham invent the wiki? 5.Can you find examples of useful wikis on the Web? 6.What could you use a wiki for at school, work or home? 7.Can you think of other examples of client-server programs? 8.Make a wire frame diagram for the user interface of a program you commonly use.
Resources Wikis in Plain English (3m 40s) How college students use Wikipedia: cle/view/2830/2476 Evaluation of Wikipedia: Wiki inventor Ward Cunningham: The first Wiki, invented to discuss programming technique: