Research Impact
What Impact Means Commercial Outcomes Benefits to Society Informing Policy Broader Awareness Stakeholder Engagement Improvements in the Environment Increasing Depth of Knowledge Professional Development
Research Grant Applications BBSRC – 'Impact' refers to the benefits scientific research has on the economy, society and knowledge Central government requiring justification for money spent supporting research
Impact for Research Students The most important aspects of impact for you are to – Communicate what you are doing – Recognise the impact being a researcher has had on you as an individual
Peer Review Starting your final year or beyond – take the blue sheet From the start of your second year – take the green sheet Everyone including first year of your degree – take the pale yellow sheet
Broad Communication GROUP A – the building blocks e.g. Molecular Biology Microbiology Cell Biology Biochemistry GROUP B –parts of people e.g. Physiology Pathology Surgery Neurology GROUP C -a whole person or a group e.g. Sociology Psychology Health Sciences Assistive Technology
Where from here? The impact statements could become something we ask all research students for so they can be published on the web We hope you can use what you have discussed in your ePortfolio and beyond