Lecture 4 Spoken Language Processing Prof. Andrew Rosenberg Acoustics of Speech Lecture 4 Spoken Language Processing Prof. Andrew Rosenberg
Overview What is in a speech signal? Defining cues to phonetic segments and intonation. Techniques to extract these cues.
Phone Recognition Goal: Distinguishing One Phoneme from Another…Automatically ASR: Did the caller say “I want to fly to Newark” or “I want to fly to New York”? Forensic Linguistics: Did that person say “Kill him” or “Bill him” What evidence is available in the speech signal? How accurately and reliably can we extract it? What qualities make this difficult? easy?
Prosody and Intonation How things are said is sometimes critical and often useful for understanding Forensic Linguistics: “Kill him!” vs. “Kill him?” TTS: “Travelling from Boston?” vs. “Travelling from Boston.” What information do we need to extract from/generate in the speech signal? What tools do we have to do this?
Speech Features What cues are important? How do we extract these? Spectral Features Fundamental Frequency (pitch) Amplitude/energy (loudness) Timing (pauses, rate) Voice Quality How do we extract these? Digital Signal Processing Tools and Algorithms Praat Wavesurfer Xwaves
Sound Production Pressure fluctuations in the air caused by a voice, musical instrument, a car horn etc. Sound waves propagate through material air, but also solids, etc. Cause eardrum (tympanum) to vibrate Auditory system translates this into neural impulses Brain interprets these as sound Represent sounds as change in pressure over time
How “loud” are sounds? Event Pressure (Pa) dB Absolute silence 20 Whisper 200 Quiet office 2K 40 Conversation 20K 60 Bus 200K 80 Subway 2M 100 Thunder 20M 120 *Hearing Damage* 200M 140
Voiced Sounds are (mostly) Periodic Simple Periodic Waves (sine waves) defined by Frequency: how often does the pattern repeat per time unit Cycle: one repetition Period: duration of a cycle Frequency: #cycles per time unit (usually second) Frequency in Hertz (Hz): cycles per second or 1 / period E.g. 400 Hz = 1/0.0025 (a cycle has a period of 0.0025 seconds; 400 cycles complete in a second) Zero crossing: where the waveform crosses the x-axis
Voiced Sounds are (mostly) Periodic Simple Periodic Waves (sine waves) defined by Amplitude: peak deviation of pressure from normal atmospheric pressure Phase: timing of a waveform relative to a reference point
Phase Differences
Complex Periodic Waves Cyclic but composed of multiple sine waves Fundamental Frequency (F0): rate at which the largest pattern repeats and its harmonics Also GCD of component frequencies Harmonics: rate of shorter patterns Any complex waveform can be analyzed into its component sine waves with their frequencies, amplitudes and phases (Fourier theorem – in 2 lectures)
2 sine wave -> 1 complex wave
4 sine waves -> 1 complex wave
Power Spectra and Spectrograms Frequency components of a complex waveform represened in the power spectrum. Plots frequency and amplitude of each component sine wave Adding temporal dimension -> Spectrogram Obtained via Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Linear Predictive Coding (LPC)… Useful for analysis, coding and synthesis.
Example Power spectrum http://clas.mq.edu.au/acoustics/speech_spectra/fft_lpc_settings.html Australian male /i:/ from “heed” FFT analysis window 12.8ms
Example Spectrogram Example Spectrogram from Praat
Terms Spectral Slice: plots the amplitude at each frequency Spectrograms: plots amplitude and frequency over time Harmonics: components of a complex waveform that are multiples of the fundamental frequency (F0) Formants: frequency bands that are most amplified in speech.
Aperiodic Waveforms Waveforms with random or non-repeating patterns Random aperiodic waveforms: white noise Flat spectrum: equal amplitude for all frequency components. Transients: sudden bursts of pressure (clicks, pops, lip smacks, door slams, etc.) Flat spectrum at a single impulse Voiceless consonants
Speech Waveforms Lungs plus vocal fold vibration is filtered by resonance of the vocal tract to produce complex, periodic waveforms. Pitch range, mean, max: cycles per sec of lowest frequency periodic component of a signal = “Fundamental frequency (F0)” Loudness RMS amplitude Intensity: in dB where P0 is a reference atmospheric pressure
Collecting speech for analysis? Recording conditions A quiet office, a sound booth, an anechoic chamber Microphones convert sound into electrical current oscillations of air pressure are converted to oscillations of current Analog devices (e.g. tape recorders) store these as a continuous signal Digital devices (e.g. DAT, computers) convert to a digital signal (digitizing)
Digital Sound Representation A microphone is a mechanical eardrum, capable of measuring change in air pressure over time. Digital recording converts analog (smoothly continuous) changes in air pressure over time to a digital signal. The digital representation: measures the pressure at a fixed time interval sampling rate represents pressure as an integral value bit depth The analog to digital conversion results in a loss of information.
Waveform – “Name”
Analog to Digital Conversion “Quantization” or “Discretization” with example wave form. drawn by hand.
Analog to Digital Conversion “Quantization” or “Discretization” with example wave form. drawn by hand.
Analog to Digital Conversion “Quantization” or “Discretization” with example wave form. drawn by hand.
Analog to Digital Conversion “Quantization” or “Discretization” with example wave form. drawn by hand.
Analog to Digital Conversion Bit depth impact 16bit sound – CD Quality 8bit sound Sampling rate impact 44.1kHz 16kHz 8kHz 4kHz EXAMPLES
Nyquist Rate At least 2 samples per cycle are necessary to capture the periodicity of a waveform at a given frequency 100Hz needs 200 samples per sec Nyquist Frequency or Nyquist Rate Highest frequency that can be captured with a given sampling rate 8kHz sampling rate (Telephone speech) can capture frequencies up to 4kHz
Sampling/storage trade off Human hearing: ~20kHz top frequency Should we store 40kHz samples? Telephone speech 300-4kHz (8kHz sampling) But some speech sounds, (e.g., fricatives, stops) have energy above 4kHz Peter, Teeter, Dieter 44kHz (CD quality) vs. 16-22kHz Usually good enough to study speech, amplitude, duration, pitch, etc. Golden Ears.
Filtering Acoustic filters block out certain frequencies of sounds Low-pass filter blocks high frequency components High-pass filter blocks low frequencies Band-pass filter blocks both high and low, around a band Reject band (what to block) vs. pass band (what to let through) What if the frequencies fo two sounds overlap? Source Separation INCLUDE EXAMPLES FOR FILTERING
Estimating pitch Pitch Tracking: Estimate F0 over time as a function of vocal fold vibration How? Autocorrelation approach A periodic waveform is correlated with itself, since one period looks like another Find the period by finding the “lag” (offset) between two windows of the signal where the correlation of the windows is highest Lag duration, T, is one period of the the waveform F0 is the inverse: 1/T
Pitch Issues Microprosody effects of consonants (e.g. /v/) Creaky voice -> no pitch track, or noisy estimate Errors to watch for: Halving: shortest lag calculated is too long, by one or more cycles. Since the estimated lag is too long, the pitch is too low (underestimation) of pitch Doubling: shortest lag is too short. Second half of the cycle is similar to the first Estimates a short lag, counts too many cycles per second (overestimation) of pitch
Pitch Doubling and Halving DoublingError Halving Error
Next Class Speech Recognition Overview Reading: J&M 9.1, 9.2, 5.5