Lena Ek Member of the European Parliament
Lena Ek Member of the European Parliament The EU risks permanently lowered growth path The European economy is severely set back by the crisis
Lena Ek Member of the European Parliament Adaptation and mitigation to climate change further challenges our economy A “Triple Crisis” As do high levels of unemployment across Europe
Lena Ek Member of the European Parliament Research and Innovation In 2025 the world population will have increased by 20% to 8 billion people. Emerging countries accounted for 20% of the world’s wealth, by 2025 they will account for 34%. China and India will by 2025 account for 20% of the world’s R&D. The current “Brain Drain”-trend will be reversed and replaced by “Brain Circulation”. Creates new possibilities for innovation in green technology.
Lena Ek Member of the European Parliament Resource conservation Europe highly dependant on import of key raw materials
Solutions Lena Ek Member of the European Parliament
Lena Ek Member of the European Parliament Towards an Eco-Efficient Economy Focus on European competitiveness. Build leadership in frontier innovation. Policy strategy focused on growth. Reduce red tape for research within the EU. Create a sustainable, dynamic and efficient Europe.
Europe 2020 – A strategy for smart sustainable and inclusive growth Innovation Union Youth on the move A Digital Agenda for Europe Resource efficient Europe An industrial policy for the globalisation era An agenda for new skills and jobs A European platform against poverty Lena Ek Member of the European Parliament
The EU Climate Package The EU will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20 % until 2020 (compared to 1990 levels). The reductions will be increased to 30% in the event of a global binding climate agreement. 20 percent of the EU’s energy consumption should come from renewables by percent bio fuels in vehicles by percent increase in energy efficiency. Lena Ek Member of the European Parliament
Lena Ek Member of the European Parliament
Mt CO 2 Energy savings Fossil fuel switch Renewable energies Nuclear energy Carbon sequestration Emission of reduction case avoided emissions Technologies that can reduce global CO2 emissions from energy consumption Lena Ek Member of the European Parliament Ways to reduce emissions – it can be done!
Lena Ek Member of the European Parliament REACH – a model REACH enters into a new phase on December 1 with the deadline for applications to register chemical substances. ECHA expect a total applications (compared to an initial estimate of about ). According to the Commission there are indications that companies have discovered previously unknown hazards thanks to the process of registration through REACH. Discovery of risks with old substances will create opportunities for greener alternatives. REACH has set a new standard globally
The shift to renewables such as bio energy means an enormous potential for growth and jobs. The change is market driven and based on consumer reactions. Technology shifts have winners and losers. Lena Ek Member of the European Parliament Market driven smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
Conclusion: ”Never waste a good crisis” High unemployment met with innovation and the skills needed to tackle global challenges. Increased domestic fuel production and energy efficiency - diminished European dependence on undependable governments. Excellent growth potential for the European country side. More jobs and higher growth in a Europe with a better climate. Lena Ek Member of the European Parliament
Lena Ek Member of the European Parliament Thank you! Questions?