Construction Industry Efforts and Capabilities to Support PBES Deployment. William G. Duguay J.D. Abrams, L.P.
Learning Outcomes Current market conditions Efforts under way to support PBES How other industries do their version of ABC Barriers to implementation Why this should be good
Section 1 How Current Market Conditions may Affect ABC and PBES
Current Market Conditions and their Effects on: 1. Lower Bid pricing 2. Overall Lower Bid Volumes 3. Growing International presence Will continue to drive: – Adaptability – Innovation – New/modified uses for existing equipment – Bringing new companies into every market – Acceptance of European, Asian technology
An estimated 146,000 bridges need work Every Agency is strapped for funding, and are looking for: – New funding streams – New delivery methods – New designs – Raising expectations of performance
Section 2 Industry Efforts to Support PBES
What are some of the industry efforts under way to support PBES? – Adaptive use of technologies in other industries – Collaboration with Universities for research – Industry Outreach and Transportation Forums
Major Markets served by the Heavy Lift Industry Oil & Gas Nuclear Power Fossil Power Wind Energy General Construction Heavy Civil Project Cargo Logistics
Other Industries are used to moving modular units
Efforts underway to support PBES Bay Bridge East End Tie In
Redland Rd OR38
Bay Bridge West Tie in
Pioneer Crossing, UT
Scaled for everyday use
Pieces can be scaled to adapt to conditions and needs
Precast segmented abutment
Precast columns, caps and abutment
PBES Doesn’t have to be Huge
PBES can be something other than steel or concrete HCB Bridge Elements erected using standard equipment
Adaptive reuse of Technology and Equipment
Marino Proposed Concept
International Technologies
Industry is working upstream and downstream
Industry Supported Research University of Washington Working with a Highways for Life Contract, a simple footing detail was developed: “It has definitely been a team effort, with people from all the necessary disciplines actively involved” This included WSDOT, local AGC members and local engineering firms
HCB Laboratory Validation
Earthquake testing SUNY Buffalo
Precast Overhangs
From Design, to Lab to Production
Transportation Forums Fast 14 in Massachusetts $78M now underway Columbia River Bridges $3.6B Tappan Zee Bridge $8-16B Ohio River Bridges Project $4B Epping bridge replacement
Section 3 Is ABC/PBES unique to Transportation?
Adapt Delivery methods from other industries: Manufacturing and Commercial Buildings version of ABC: Lean Construction – Do more with less – Bring Manufacturing Principles into Construction, focus on the cycle from identification of need thru delivery – Each step of the process is monitored and improved – Maximize field safety, quality and productivity BIM going horizontal
Section 4 What could the barriers to Implementation be?
Projects don’t need to be huge Contractors and Vendors participate in design and constructability reviews for projects of every size Local meetings emphasize local abilities, drawing on national resources when needed
Other perceived barriers Lack of agreement on need for new methodology Is the Risk suitable for the Reward Is the new method going to be part of the Agencies policy going forward Does the bridge portion drive the overall critical path Will money spent on PBES be at the expense of other portions of an Agencies Program
Each of these barriers can be resolved thru communicating the goals of the project The Transportation Industry has many successful projects of: – Varying dollar size and local – Type of construction and delivery – That solved unique needs effectively
Section 5 Why ABC and PBES can Benefit Industry
2 Ways Maximizing the Delivery Process PBES can allow: – Significant bridge work activities be moved off of the Critical Path – Them to be moved out of traffic – These activities be consolidated and reduced to minimize the impact on the community – Safety, quality, durability, adaptability of our Infrastructure be a larger part of our message
2 nd : Our Industry Competes for Funding Transportation needs are well known As Funding becomes available, the traveling public will not allow extensive added congestion due to these improvements
How do we improve the highway system to a level of quality the public expects in a timely fashion? Do as much as possible at times and in locations that minimize interference Where that’s not an option, do those portions as safely and as quickly as possible
By using PBES in appropriate situations, we can effectively demonstrate how adaptable the Transportation Industry is, to: – Maintain the value of our nations transportation investment – Continue to improve the effectiveness of our system to provide safe and reliable transportation at the local and national level
Module Conclusion