Method: LRC File Format A file that accompanies a piece of audio The LRC file consists of words and time stamps Audio file is not modified in any way
LRC File Simple Syntax [mm:ss.xx] lyrics line 1 [mm:ss.xx] lyrics line 2... [mm:ss.xx] last lyrics line Very intuitive to write and read Will only display one line at a time, not specific words
Example of LRC Functionality
LRC File Enhanced Syntax [mm:ss.xx] line 1 word 1 line 1 word 2... line 1 last word [mm:ss.xx] line 2 word 1 line 2 word 2... line 2 last word... [mm:ss.xx] last line word 1 last line word 2... last line last word The enhanced format provides greater flexibility and accuracy while synchronizing text Limited in that the user is not able to synchronize by syllable
Execution There are several available programs that allow the end user to view the synchronization The LRC file typically has the same name as the audio file Some programs allow for files to be developed for videos, much like subtitles
Advantages Anyone can synchronize text to audio Completely separate synchronization file Easy to modify to improve accuracy Extensive library of files exists Cannot synchronize anything smaller than a word Great effort is needed to generate word level synchronization Limitations