Life in a Professional School Fall 2010
How/when did it all start? 1876 –ALA –Library Journal –Dewey Decimal Classification System 1883 –Columbia and later Albany in 1888 Melvil Dewey
How/when did it start in NC? 1904: Wilson began offering summer courses in librarianship –“A library school is needed, where librarians, like lawyers and doctors and teachers, may secure expert professional training… to tap the vast reservoir of human knowledge.” 1931: School of Library Science opened, with the first class graduating in : MSLS began to be offered 1980: First PhD graduate Louis Round Wilson
And what about information science? Bush, Vannevar. “As We May Think." Atlantic Monthly, 176(1): , 1945 Information explosion during and after WWII Solution: The MEMEX
The MEMEX Coping with the growing amount of data Personal information repository Random access, extensibility, ability to add new data
A walk through history ASIS&T founded in 1937 as the American Documentation Institute 1950s & 60s – Transition to information science 1980s – Library schools become ILS schools 1992 – The Web is born
Today and tomorrow… Digital libraries User-centered design Human-computer interaction Information architecture Social media Information retrieval Knowledge management Personal information management Digital curation What about the day after tomorrow???
For the future, we need ILS professionals But what do we mean by: –A professional? –An ILS professional?
The professional… Is an expert problem solver
The professional… Occupies a position of TRUST
The professional… Builds community
The professional… Is a change agent
ILS professions include… Librarians of all types
ILS professions include… Archivists & Records Managers
ILS professions include… Information/Knowledge Managers
ILS professionals include… Systems Analysts
ILS professionals include… Web designers Database designers
Becoming a professional involves… Formal education
Becoming a professional involves… Commitment to lifelong learning
Becoming a professional involves… Active participation in professional associations
Student organizations at SILS ILSSA – ILS Student Association IS Undergraduates Empowered (ISSUE) Doctoral Student Association (DSA) Art & Museum Professionals (AMLISS) Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) Librarians (ALA) Archivists (SCOSAA) Special Librarians (SLA)
Your formal education at SILS Function/RequirementMSISMSLS Organization520, Org of Information521, Org of Materials I Collection/Retrieval509, Info Retrieval501, Info Res & Serv 513, Resource Select & Eval Information Behaviors500, Human Info Interactions Design/Evaluation582, Systems Analysis 780, Research Methods Management585, Mgmt for Info Professionals Master’s Paper992, Master’s Paper Information Technology461, Info Tools …Plus 8 electives
Another view of the program OrganizationCollection/Retrieval Info BehaviorsDesignManagementInfo Tech 520/521509/501/ Electives 780 Evaluation 992 MS Paper THE FOUNDATION
Some core values at SILS Collegiality, collaboration, and teamwork Academic integrity Social responsibility
Collegiality, collaboration, teamwork Team assignments in classes Use of resources in the School: library, lab Sharing what you already know
Academic integrity UNC Honor Code/system, Using others’ work: plagiarism –Online tutorial available: Re-using your own work: self-plagiarism, “double-dipping”
Social responsibility Service learning at UNC: Volunteer efforts –Project Homestart –Habitat for Humanity Devoting your professional efforts to work that is “worthwhile” Project Homestart, Chapel Hill, NC Habitat for Humanity, Orange County, NC
If you don’t know, ASK! One another –Individually or via listserv Your instructors Your advisor The office staff –Lara Bailey –Wake Harper Me –210 Manning Hall