Team Members Chanin Laohaphan Mian Luo Andrew Noh Brian Pfiffner Jon Wu claohaph lmian anoh bpfiffne jwu2
Concept Allow children to enjoy painting in real time on a collaborative digital canvas with smart phones Existing systems are usually web based and the modes of input required are unsuitable for children. Our system is simpler and more intuitive for children
Requirements Functional requirements: Accepts user inputs and converts data to positions and effects on the canvas The system will have a defined network protocol to allow for interoperability between multiple clients and server devices Reliability requirements: The system will degrade gracefully from connection loss Security requirements: The server will support a connection limiting systems for users
Components X86 computer Projector Smart phones User interface of our system:
Experimentation Campaign Metrics: Latency, throughput (from server and client) Measurements: Profiling (gprof, traceview), client -> server simulations
Results: Android profiling
Results: Client simulation
Insights from Measurements Latency increases linearly as the number of clients increases Client display is the bottleneck because on Android, you have to redraw the whole screen every time you want to add something to the drawing
Performance Strategies to improve the performance Update the touch screen less often Reduce the bitmap buffer size on the touch screen so redrawing takes shorter time Limit debugging tools to reduce the bus pressure
Conclusions What we accomplished: Basic multi-client implementation Limiting number of users, waiting queue Open issues: Wands Other smart phones (iPhones) Additional modes (offline mode)
Conclusions What we would do differently: Make our goal clear by communicating with sponsors so we don’t spend time developing features they don’t desire (using smart phones to calibrate and draw by reading accelerometer data)
Conclusions What we learned: Android programming Developing over multiple platforms Good planning saves lots of implementation time Commenting code is invaluable Reading and interpreting data from phone compass and Wiimotes Choosing hardware we are familiar with or with good documentation
Demo Video Thank you !