P09011 – Object Recognition – 1/16/2009
By User Interactions with Apparatus Simplified By System Functional Decomposition Patents, Research Projects Benchmarking, Lead Users External Search Individual Exploration Group Exploration By System Internal Search Concepts A-F Generated Concepts Analyzed Explore Systematically Concepts Rated & Ranked By Group Concepts Refined, Given to Customer Concept Selection Systems for Connecting Objects to Apparatus
Functional Decomposition, Simplified by System Connecting Object Method Apparatus Connection Device Object Connection Device Raising/Lowering Object MethodPowerControl Hiding Objects from Trainer MethodLocation Removing/Switching Object Sets MethodTimingOperator
Team’s Collective Concepts Concept AConcept BConcept C
Team’s Collective Concepts Concept DConcept EConcept F
Final Concept Results Concept CConcept F
Concept Feasibility Comparison Concept CConcept F Can our system be designed? Yes Do we understand what we are trying to do and have we decomposed the design adequately to insure our understanding and to enable the clear assignment of responsibilities? Yes Is the technology available and robust? Available, possibly robustAvailable, robust Is the design likely to meet all engineering specifications and satisfy the customer? Possibly Have we addressed all required features and functions? Yes Do we understand the performance limits of our design and whether these limits are acceptable?Yes Do we have the capabilities and resources (people, funds, time) to realize our design (before investing heavily in engineering activities)? Possibly
Concept F: Overview Object sets raised and lowered independently on cables connected to pivoting arms Pivoting arms are positioned 90 degrees to one another Upper section of apparatus rotates on human-powered turntable to change object sets Pivoting arm movement provided by electric linear actuators (expanding cylinder) Linear actuators controlled remotely Object travel electronically controlled by limit switches Powered by on-board 12V battery