TA Orientation Fall 2010 Dr. Jan Chomicki Director of Graduate Studies Department of Computer Science & Engineering
TA Responsibilities Attend all lectures of course (if required by instructor) Meet regularly with instructor Teach “recitation” sections, grade, hold office hours, supervise projects: –attend all your recitation sections –if you are planning to be absent, secure the instructor’s approval in advance –in an emergency, please let the instructor or CSE office know –grade in a timely fashion –TA performance impacts reappointment! –if you notice possible violations of academic integrity, notify the instructor Expect to work hours/week on average Obligation begins BEFORE classes begin & ends AFTER all grades are computed –Don’t plan to leave early for or return late from a vacation! Read the Grad Handbook, especially Ch. 9!
SPEAK Test Required by UB for all international grad students (TA, RA, GA) –unless “native” speaker of English –student has to pass during the first year of the TA Score ≥ 55 can teach Score = need teaching demo & ESL 512 Score ≤ 40 can’t teach; need ESL 411/412; retake SPEAK
How to Teach Covered in CSE 501 –Golden rule of teaching: Teach others the way you would like to be taught –“Advice for (new) TAs” slide show: –“How to Teach” website: UB Center for Teaching and Learning Resources –
Give a midsemester course evaluation Course instructor should do this If not, you do it. –2 questions: 1.What aspects of recitation would you like to see changed? 2.What aspects of recitation do you especially like? – Then give feedback to students.
If you have problems teaching… Speak to the course instructor Speak to me
End of presentation Any questions?