Administrative Law US & WA Cheryl Nyberg June 24, 2009
Where to Start? Relevant factsRelevant facts Legal issuesLegal issues Jurisdiction(s)Jurisdiction(s) Sources of lawSources of law Terms of artTerms of art
Reg. = Regulations Regulations =Admin Law What is administrative law? Why is administrative law important? Where are the shortcuts?
A Two-Headed Snake 1.Rules & regulations are quasi-legislative 2.Decisions & orders are quasi-judicial
Regulations Issued by executive branch & independent agencies Issued by executive branch & independent agencies Under statutory authority Under statutory authority Have the force of law Have the force of law
Securities Regulations US Securities & Exchange Commission 15 U.S.C. §78j 15 U.S.C. §78j 15 U.S.C. §78j 15 U.S.C. §78j 17 CFR Part CFR Part 242 WA Division of Securities RCW § RCW § RCW § RCW § WAC B WAC B WAC B WAC B
Administrative Decisions US Securities & Exchange Commission CCH Federal Securities Law Reporter CCH Federal Securities Law Reporter LexisNexis: FEDSEC/OMNI LexisNexis: FEDSEC/OMNI SEC website SEC website SEC website SEC website Westlaw: FSEC-ADMIN Westlaw: FSEC-ADMIN WA Division of Securities Administrative Action / Orders Administrative Action / Orders Administrative Action / Orders Administrative Action / Orders LexisNexis: WASH;WASEC LexisNexis: WASH;WASEC Westlaw: WASEC-ADMIN Westlaw: WASEC-ADMIN
Shortcuts Agency websites Annotated statutes Looseleaf services & treatises Law review articles WL & LX topical / area of practice Legal research guides!
Primary Sources US Code of Federal Regulations Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Code of Federal Regulations E-CFR E-CFR E-CFR Federal Register Federal Register (FR) Federal Register WA Washington Administrative Code Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Washington Administrative Code Washington State Register Washington State Register
Bonus Round The Unified Agenda (aka, Semiannual Regulatory Agenda) Unified Agenda Unified Agenda & the RegMap RegMap RegInfo.govRegMap FR / CFR online tutorial online tutorialonline tutorial