EIF main features Help efforts made by MS as regards INTEGRATION OF THIRD COUNTRY NATIONALS concrete actions to integrate newly arrived third-country nationals capacity building on integration policy in general ALL MS PARTICIPATE, except DK. Opt-in from UK and IE Focus on THIRD COUNTRY NATIONALS legally staying in the MS (and therefore excludes : asylum seekers, refugees, undocumented migrants, …) COMPLEMENTARITY with actions funded by local, regional, national levels and by the European Social Fund and the European Refugee Fund
EIF main features 50% max co-financing, except for implementation of specific priorities (allow increase of co-financing from 50% to 75%) 825 Million € for 7 years 825 Million € for 7 years 93 % (768 million) € for National Programmes distributed among the MS and therefore implemented at national level 93 % (768 million) € for National Programmes distributed among the MS and therefore implemented at national level 7 % max (57 million) € for Community Actions (transnational projects and project of Community interest) 7 % max (57 million) € for Community Actions (transnational projects and project of Community interest) Main beneficiaries for DE Million Euro (16.9 %) DE Million Euro (16.9 %) UK Million Euro (16.7%) UK Million Euro (16.7%) ES Million Euro (16.1 %) ES Million Euro (16.1 %) IT 95.5 Million Euro (12,5%). IT 95.5 Million Euro (12,5%).
NATIONAL MULTIANNUAL PROGRAMMES MS multiannual programme approved by the Commission for Follows Commission strategic guidelines Implementation of actions designed to put the CBPs into practice. Development of indicators and evaluation methodologies to assess progress, adjust policies and measures and to facilitate co-ordination of comparative Learning. Policy capacity building, co-ordination and intercultural competence building in the Member States across the different levels and departments of government. Exchange of experience, good practice and information on integration between the Member States → 3 priorities to be implemented – 1 and 2 compulsory
ANNUAL PROGRAMMES Annual programmes detail actions to be funded (for 2.5 years) APs 2007 and 2008 implemented AP 2009 and 2010 under implementation intermediate report (results and qualitative/quantitative aspects of implementation to be produced by 31 December 2010
NATIONAL MULTIANNUAL PROGRAMMES The strategic priorities reflect the challenges and needs in the MS integration as a two ways approach, civic orientation and provision of information to TCN, adapatation of public and private services, improved capacity building with regards to language proficiency Needs identified reflect mainly Priority 1 Shares between Priorities : 65/15/15/5 Strategic use of EIF differ from MS
NATIONAL PROGRAMMES – ACTIONS FUNDED BY CONTENT Measures preventing language from being a barrier to integration Provision of services to provide relevant information to TCN Actions on education Actions to support intercultural dialogue and intercultural competencies Capacity building of all actors involved in integration of TCN Development of indicators evaluation measures
NATIONAL PROGRAMMES BY TARGET GROUP ADDRESSED Actions aiming at specific target group such as women, elderly, minors, or disabled people (15 MS) Measures specifically targeted at involving and educating the host society
NATIONAL PROGRAMMES BY STAGE AS REGARDS INTEGRATION PROCESS Predeparture measures (information about the MS, language tuition) Measures upon arrival in the MS Actions for TCN already residing in the MS
MID TERM REVIEW Objectives of the Fund are perceived as RELEVANT TO PROBLEMS AND NEEDS IDENTIFIED in integration policy at national level Particular challenges - novel nature of the Fund - complex administrative and financial set up - underspending