FIN 685: Risk Management Larry Schrenk, Instructor
Course Details What is Risk? What is Risk Management? Introduction to VaR Sources of Market Risk
Course Details
Course Pages – Class – Lecture 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM – Review/Excel and Office Hours 8:00 PM+ Exams 3; Excel Projects 1; Case 1
MSF, not MBA, Course Statistics Finance – Derivatives Mathematics Economics Accounting
Philippe Jorion, Financial Risk Manager Handbook (FRMH)
P ART I: R ISK IN G ENERAL 1. What is Risk? How Do We Measure It?FRMH 10, How Do We Deal with Risk? Why Should We Care?FRMH 12, 13 P ART II: D EALING WITH R ISK 3. DependenciesTBA 4. The World of Monte Carlo–Simulation, not GamblingFRMH 4 5. The Hot Techniques: Value at Risk (VaR), etc.FRMH 14, 15 Exam 1 (through Topic 4) P ART III: S PECIFIC A PPLICATIONS 6. Credit Risk IFRMH 18, Credit Risk IIFRMH 20, Credit Risk IIIFRMH 22, Operational Risk FRMH 24 Exam 2 (through Topic 8) 10. Liquidity Risk FRMH Managing Risk across the FirmFRMH 16, Our Friends in BaselFRMH 29, 30 Exam 3 (through Topic 12); Case and Projects Due
1. Probability MeasuresFRMH 2 2. Linear RegressionFRMH 3 3. Time Value of Money and BondsFRMH 1 4. Stocks, FX, CommoditiesFRMH 9 5. Exam 1, No Review 6. Derivatives: IntroductionFRMH 5 7. Derivatives: Black-ScholesFRMH 6 8. Derivatives: Binomial ModelFRMH 6 9. Exam 2, No Review 10. Fixed-IncomeFRMH Fixed-Income DerivativesFRMH Exam 3, No Review
Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP)GARP – Financial Risk Manager Certificate Financial Risk Manager Certificate Professional Risk Managers’ International Association (PRMIA)PRMIA – Professional Risk Manager Certificate Professional Risk Manager Certificate
What is Risk?
Uncertainty: Ignorance – I have no idea what a box may contain. Risk: ‘Distributional’ Knowledge – I may not know which color I will get, but I know that the probability is for each color. – Risk Rational Expectation
Risk is… – The possibility that the actual (or realized) result may deviate from the expected result. Financial Risk is (often)… – The possibility that the actual (or realized) return may deviate from the expected return.
Different Risks; Different Possibilities Greater/Lesser Risk; Greater/Lesser Deviation Upside and Downside Risk
Stages of Risk Analysis 1. Identify Exposure 2. Measure Amount 3. Price
Identify risk exposure – Profit of a firm Input price changes Labor problems Shifts in consumer tastes – Bond Interest rate risk Default risk – Foreign investment Exchange rate risk Result: Asset exposed to risks X, Y, etc.
Measure/quantify the risk – ‘Cardinal Ordering’ – Use of statistics – Historical volatility/standard deviation – Correct measure of specific risks Result: Asset exposure to risk X is 8 units.
Price the Risk – Compensation for specific level of risk. – Return, not dollar, compensation – Higher risk higher return Result: Asset exposure to 8 units of X risk yields a risk premium of 10%. Recall: Risk premium = E[r] – r f
1. Risk Exposure: Return Volatility 2. Risk Measure: Standard Deviation 3. Risk Price: 1% risk premium per 2% Standard Deviation Alternate: CAPM
Past Data – Historical prices – Forward-looking data – Assumption: Future behaves like past Statistical Distribution – Distribution, – Mean, – Variance, etc.
Historical Data: – Normally distributed, = 10%, = 20% Forecast – E[r] = 10% – Confidence intervals, standard error, etc.
Criteria – Monotonicity – Sub-additivity – Positive homogeneity – Translation invariance
Expression – If portfolio Z 2 always has better values than portfolio Z 1 under all scenarios then the risk of Z 2 should be less than the risk of Z 1.
Expression – Indeed, the risk of two portfolios together cannot get any worse than adding the two risks separately: this is the diversification principle.
Expression – Loosely speaking, if you double your portfolio then you double your risk.
Expression – The value a is just adding cash to your portfolio Z, which acts like an insurance: the risk of Z + a is less than the risk of Z, and the difference is exactly the added cash a.
References: – Artzner, P., Delbaen, F., Eber, J.M., Heath, D. (1997). Thinking coherently. Risk 10, November, – Artzner, P., Delbaen, F., Eber, J.M., Heath, D. (1999). Coherent measures of risk. Math. Finance 9(3),
What is Risk Management?
Natural ▪ Engineered ▪
Market Risk Liquidity Risk Operational Risk Inflation Risk Default Risk – ‘risk-free asset’
The uncertainty of an instrument’s earnings resulting from changes in market conditions such as the price of an asset, interest rates, market volatility, and market liquidity.
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) – Diversification – Market versus Non-Market Risks – Beta
Market ( =1)▪ >1 < 1
Beta Return rMrM rfrf 01 Risk Free Asset Market
Number of Stocks Volatility of Portfolio Market Risk Non-Market Risk
Notional Amount Sensitivity Analysis – Inputs – VaR Scenario Analysis – Events
Value-at-Risk (VaR)
Sensitivity Measure ‘Worst-Case-Scenario’ Downside Risk Only Lower Tail 1/100 Year Flood Level
Value at Risk… – The maximum dollar amount that is expected to be lost over X time at Y significance. – EXAMPLE: VaR = $1,000,000 in the next month at 99% significance. Expectation (typically) relative to historical performance of assets(s).
Risk -> Single number Firm wide summary – Handles futures, options, and other complications Relatively model free Easy to explain Deviations from normal distributions
Financial firms in the late 80’s used it for their trading portfolios JP Morgan, 1990’s – RiskMetrics, 1994 Currently becoming: – Wide spread risk summary – Regulatory
Basel Capital Accord – Banks encouraged to use internal models to measure VaR – Use to ensure capital adequacy (liquidity) – Compute daily at 99 th percentile – Minimum price shock equivalent to 10 trading days (holding period) – Historical observation period ≥1 year
Historical simulation – Good – data available – Bad – past may not represent future – Bad – lots of data if many instruments (correlated) Variance-covariance – Assume distribution, use theoretical to calculate – Bad – assumes normal, stable correlation Monte Carlo simulation – Good – flexible (can use any distribution in theory) – Bad – depends on model calibration
At 99% level, will exceed 3-4 times per year Distributions have fat tails Probability of loss – Not magnitude
Mark to market (value portfolio) – 100 Identify and measure risk (future value) – Normal: mean = 100, std. = 10 over 1 month Set time horizon of interest – 1 month Set confidence level: – 95%
Portfolio value today = 100 Normal value (mean = 100, std = 10 per month), time horizon = 1 month, 95% VaR = Percentile = 83.5
Measure initial portfolio value (100) For 95% confidence level, find 5 th percentile level of future portfolio values (83.5) The amount of this loss (16.5) is the VaR What does this say? – With probability 0.95 your losses will be less than 16.5
Increase level to 99% Portfolio value = 76.5 VaR = = 23.5 With probability 0.99, your losses will be less than 23.5 Increasing confidence level, increases VaR
Holding period – Risk environment – Portfolio constancy/liquidity Confidence level – How far into the tail? – VaR use – Data quantity
Benchmark comparison – Interested in relative comparisons across units or trading desks Potential loss measure – Horizon related to liquidity and portfolio turnover Set capital cushion levels – Confidence level critical here
Uninformative about extreme tails Bad portfolio decisions – Might add high expected return, but high loss with low probability securities – VaR/Expected return, calculations still not well understood – VaR is not Sub-additive
A sub-additive risk measure is Sum of risks is conservative (overestimate) VaR not sub-additive – Temptation to split up accounts or firms
Sources of Market Risk
Currency Risk Fixed-Income Risk Equity Risk Commodity Risk