Information Skills Tutorials
Use to find print and e-books & library materials. - various ways to find the info you need! - locating materials & self- renewal options! Skills to be acquired
3 WAYS to connect... Within QuickFIND Click Library Catalog On left search About the WPI Library Catalog
Where can I find it? Is it checked out or not? Can I find similar items? Citation information! Is there a preview online? The Catalog’s Online Record
Ways to Search in the Gordon Library Catalog Limit to: many options to focus search!
Always use last name then first. Finding Books by Title and Author
Subject headings are useful! Subject Searching The subject search uses special terms to organize books by subject. These are called Library of Congress and MEdical Subject Headings (LCSH or MESH). If you enter any keywords as a subject search, you may not get much back so glean useful subjects within the catalog records. Controlled vocabulary are selected by humans and can lead researchers to specific items in a subject area.
Truncate to find any word with root
Ask at Information Desk for reserve items.
Jot down call # to find item in the library LC Classification = items by topic area
Bring your WPI ID to check out materials
View items you have checked out! Renew items online yourself! Click My Account on toolbar in order to: obtain a list of library materials you have checked out, renew books online, see hold requests, or see any fines you may have.
Self-service functions of the library catalog: Review Account Status: List checked out items, fines you owe, blocks on your account, or items on hold. Place Holds: Request a charged item be reserved for your use when it becomes available. Save and Re-executing Searches: Select "save search“ for future use. To view a list of "My Searches” click option on toolbar. Place hold Library Account Functions while viewing item record!
Terrific! Now onto Finding Articles.