Raise your hand if you have encounter a non- muslim Did anybody read material about Christian Dawah
The Divinity of Jesus Christ. The Divine Sonship of Jesus Christ. The Concept of Trinity. The Concept of Original sin. Crucifixion
Old Testament says:- (Deut 6:4): "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord." (Isaiah 43:11): "I, am the Lord; and besides me there is no savior.“ (Isaiah 45:18): "I am the Lord, and there is none else.“
New Testament says:- Disciples asked, Jesus said, the most important of all the commandments is, Hear, 0 Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.“ (Mark 12:29) "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.“ (I Timothy 2:5)
Jesus fed 5000 people with only 5 loaves and 2 fishes. Elisha also fed 100 people with 20 barley loaves. (II Kings 4:44) Jesus could heal leprosy.Elisha cured Naaman the leper. (II Kings 5:l4) Jesus, could raise the dead.Elijah & Elisha also did the same.(I Kings 17:22) & (4:34) I can of my own self do nothing. I caste out devils.
IF JESUS WAS GOD:- Why is he praying (fell on his face) and to whom ??? (Matt 26:39) & (Luke 5:16) "My Father is greater than I“ (John 14:28 & 10:29) "I can of mine own self do nothing..." (John 5:30) When a disciple asks, “But of that day (judgment) and hour knows no man, not the angels, Son, but the Father" (Mark 3:32).
“But he has no human father.” In that case, Adam should be the Son of God. "Melchisedec, King of Salem, “Without father, without mother, having neither beginning nor end; “(Hebrews 7:1-3)
God addresses Solomon as his own son. (II Samuel 7:13-14 ) God says, "Here is Israel my firstborn.” (Exodus 4:22) God says, "I am a father to Israel and Ephraim is my firstborn." (Jeremiah 31:9) Who is now the real firstborn? Israel or Ephraim ? ??? Common people called children of God. (Deut 14:1)
CONCEPT OF TRINITY TRINITY (AS DEPICTED) The Trinity is most commonly seen with the HOLY SPIRIT represented by a dove.
Catechism says, Father is a God, Son, Holy Ghost; they are not 3 Gods but 1 God.“ person The Father is not the Son, Holy Ghost. They have distinct aspects yet they are the same. They are co-eternal, co-equal & inseparable.
The word *Trinity* nowhere exists in the Bible. Concept of Trinity was never taught by Jesus. The word Trinity was never even mentioned by him. On the contrary, Jesus said, Hear, 0 Israel: “The Lord our God is One.“(Mark 12:29) ***
“Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, neither shall children" (Deut 24: l6) Example “Every one shall die for his own sin." (Jeremiah 31:30) "The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father.” (Ezekiel 18:20) Therefore, this belief is totally baseless.
Was He really prepared for the crucifixion ??? Answer:- NO Jesus prayed, “O my Father, let this cup pass from me; not as I will, but as you will.”(Matt 26:37-39) “He prayed more earnestly.”(seriously) (Luke 22:44)
Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “ Eloi, Eloi, La'ma sabach'thani? “ (Matthew 27:46) This shows that, Jesus knew nothing about the contract/agreement. Story of Ibrahim (PBUH) This candidate was most reluctant to die. Wailing! Sweating! Crying! Complaining!
“An angel appeared & strengthened him.“(Luke 22:43) It means that an angel assured him of God's help. “Jesus prayers with strong crying and tears were heard“ (Hebrews 5:7) Jesus' prayers were “heard”, & answered by God. How could he still die on the cross ??? Surah 4:157, “Jesus was neither killed nor crucified.”
“Multiple Crucifixions” from Philippines every year on “Good Friday” crucifying themselves. Are woman also crucified ??? Luciana Reyes, “1st woman to perform crucifixion” Results of Crucifixion !!! 1. Not a single person died by crucifixion. 2. Another “crucified” man was up and smoking a cigarette as soon as his hands were bandaged.
I am asking Did Jesus told you to do this ??? NO Jesus say's he came for mercy and not sacrifice:- “For I desired mercy & not sacrifice; & the knowledge of God more than burnt-offerings." (Hosea 6:6) "I will have mercy, and not sacrifice” (Matt 9: 10-13) Again Jesus said, "But if ye had known what this means, I will have mercy, & not sacrifice.” (Matt 12:7)
If you did not encounter DO NOT come to the next class. Prepare next top 10 hot item about islam Is Quran God’s Word All regions teach people to be righteous, then why follow only ISLAM? Vast Differences Between Islam and the actual practice of muslims? Shari’a law Slavery Non-Muslim Marriage? Women 2nd Class Homosexuality & Human Rights? The Only True Religion QUR’AN PLAGIARIZED FROM THE BIBLE
Session 1 Introduction Cash Cow Session 2 Revert Story Lang. Sensitivity Session 3 Dawah Techniques Session 4 Misconceptions Part 1 Session 5 Christian Beliefs Session 6 Misconceptions Part 2 Session 7 Encounters Conclusion Session 8 Presentations Path Forward