overview of what is in the MC A.Margiotta 17/05/2011
Relevant water properties to our MC absorption length scattering length volume function refraction index : 460 nm n group = (=n phase ) = effective scattering length effective attenuation length
absorption length max = 55 m in “OFFICIAL” simulations (dec08 photon tables) : ** RBR v0.1 ** Aart “SoS approach” published value in Astrop. Phys. 23 (2005) 131 ≈ 60 m
scattering length scattering coeff. b = 1/λ calculated from Kopelevich param. λ sct = nm Model: partic v s =v l = ppm
scattering function β (θ) = ηβ Ray (θ) + (1 –η) β part (θ) η = 17 % λ sct = 52.8 m λ sct eff = nm β Ray molecular scattering β Ray (θ) = * ( cos(θ)) β par particulate scattering is provided with a table 〈 cosθ 〉 = 0.77
attenuation length λ att eff ≈ nm
they are used in: Geasim : light from particles in showers NC and CC interactions NO SCATTERING KM3 package (GEN code) : light from muons (track and e.m. showers) photon table production SCATTERING NO wavelength dependence of n group WORK IN PROGRESS : KM3 v4rx (see Corey’s talk)
impact Reliable input values are essential Δ λ abs =+/- 10% Δreco_tracks around 20% old study on scattering models indicates important effect on zenith angle distribution waiting ……..