Exam Date: Next Tuesday, December 15 th This room, Same time
Chapters 1-10 One special topic: Event Tracing for Windows Homeworks & Lecture
9-12 questions Closed book 3-5 large 3-5 medium 2-5 small
Java code for ◦ Semaphores, Mutexes ◦ Design patterns ◦ Thread pools, etc Deadlocks, race conditions Paging versus Segmentation ◦ Frames versus Pages Paging algorithms (Fifo, Optimal, LRU)
Working set windows and sizes Thrashing Resource Allocation Graphs ◦ Wait-for graphs Hardware Optimization Problems ◦ MMUs ◦ When a TLB works and when it doesn’t ◦ Adding and removing CPUs, paging disks, etc. ◦ Matrix multiplication and cache /speed ramifications See the book problem for this &| slides
AMAT: p*hitRate *hitCost + q * missRate * missCost ◦ Where q = 1-p File System implementation details ◦ Windows Versus Unix high-level details Page size pros and cons Segmentation with paging Internal & External Fragmentation