Design Document Rev A/B Sam Bukowski, Emily Daugherty, Troy Hayes, Christopher Lewin, Natalie Schaefer, Matt Vaninger October 3, 2011
Mission Overview Create a capsule that can sustain life in case of an emergency. Variables Pressure Temperature Radiation
Mission Overview Capsule will be connected off to the side of the main body of the balloon sat. Inside this capsule will be a pressure gauge and thermometer.
Mission Overview Radiation testing Five radiation tests, one non variable in the Balloon sat. One in the capsule on the side of the balloon sat. Three in different materials Cloth Rubber Aluminum
Requirements Flow Down
Test Plan Drop Test Whip Test Freeze/Condensation Test External Balloon Strength Test Component Test Complete SAT Test
Expected Results Conclusive Radiation (no cover, cloth, rubber, tin foil) Thermal Blanket Testing (radiation, temperature, pressure)
Team Org Chart
Biggest Worries Getting useless results Not finishing on time Hardware failure Electrical failure Design