Real-Time Systems – The Big Picture Real-Time Systems Anders P. Ravn Aalborg University September 2009
Literature Alan Burns and Andy Wellings: Real-Time Systems: Ada 95, Real-Time Java and Real-Time POSIX (B & W) Acknowledgement: Some slides are adapted from their Teaching Aids
Prerequisites Basic understanding of C and Java Basic understanding of Computer Architectures. Basic understanding of Operating Systems
Course Aims Understanding of the broad concepts Practical understanding for industry To stimulate research interest
What is a real-time system? A real-time system is a computerized system that must respond to externally generated input within specified time bounds The computer is a component in a larger engineering system - EMBEDDED COMPUTER SYSTEM 99% of all processors are for the embedded systems market
A simple fluid control system Pipe Flow meter Valve Interface Computer Input flow reading Processing Output valve angle
The Program Architecture Meter read(int) Valve write(int) Task
The Control Task LOOP wait_until(t);; compute(y,u); valve.write(u); t = t+T; END Periodic: OR Sporadic: LOOP wait_event();; compute(y,u); valve.write(u); END
The R-T Constraint Activation times S i and response times R i satisfy: R i – S i D – the deadline S i+1 – S i = T – the period
Terminology Hard real-time Soft real-time Firm real-time Value of response Time D D D may be missed occasionally Time D
Another Example:Steam Boiler 209 Heater (on/off) Pressure (p) 148 Temperature (t) Valve (0..5) Objective: Keep t and p within defined limits
The Program Architecture Valve/ Pump Pressure T-task HeaterLog_ Device Temperature P-taskLogger HeatOnTempPressValveSet
Implementation Example 4.6 in Other Material
A Typical Embedded System Algorithms for Digital Control Data Logging Data Retrieval and Display Operator Interface Engineering System Remote Monitoring System Real-Time Clock Database Operator’s Console Display Devices Real-Time Computer
RTS Design Essentially: Specification of a collection of periodic and sporadic tasks. Tasks may share resources, but must not block explicitly. Formalisms: UML-RT RT- HOOD
Architecture Interfaces Model UserInterface SubsystemInterface Platform OSFileSystem Functions...
Validation 1.Verification 2.Testing 3.Simulation ON 1.Model 2.Prototype with Test harness 3.Real System
Characteristics of a RTS Timing Constraints Dependability Requirements Concurrent control of separate components Facilities to interact with special purpose hardware