New Literacies in Today’s Classrooms Keri Haws, Annemarie Mortensen, Kyle Fogg
New Technologies/ “New Literacies” New Literacies Literacy-the knowledge, understanding, and ability to read and write “New literacies”-the knowledge, understanding, and ability to use new technologies in today’s world dules/cms/pages.phtml?pageid=48550
Why is it Important Technology continually advances, and has started to enter the classroom It is important that teachers are “literate” in these new technologies so that they know how to best convey information to their students
Smart Boards vs. Dry Erase/Chalk Boards Chalkboards/Dry Erase Boards Display information and concepts SMART boards Connects to a computer Displays desktop image on SMART board Interactive whiteboard for students /
Transparencies vs. Projectors and Power Point Transparencies – Have to write all work by hand – Need to erase the transparency – Cannot save all work written on transparencies – Sometimes hard to see from far away in the classroom
Transparencies vs. Projectors and Power Point (con’t.) Projectors – Shown on large screen/easier reading – Can see in color – Space saver Power Point – Able to save all of your work on Power Point – Easy to create – Show images/animations – Can link to the internet Advantages of using Power Point
Internet vs. Textbook Textbook – Reading straight from the book Internet – Able to see visuals – Use resources online to find articles, books, etc – Gather information – Communication – Connects to projector/displays to class er?pagename=WADR_growingyears
Teacher student Interactions – Student not being able to relate to the teacher – Students are embarrassed to ask questions so they get left behind – Teachers cant focus on one student – Teachers lose enthusiasm after teaching the same material – Students may lose interest in class Interactive Computer Learning – Students have same curriculum – Students pay more attention – Students results are standardized and put into data Ex. D2L – Interactive learning software can be fun and challenging Teacher/Student Interaction vs. Computer Learning