INTER 111: Graduate Biochemistry
Electron transport Oxidative phosphorylation R5P Glucose Pyruvate NADH + H + and ATP Glycogen Disaccharides Acetyl CoA NADH + H + and FADH 2 and CO 2 aerobic conditions citric acid cycle O2O2 H2OH2O ATP ADP + P i fructose galactose
Sugar substitute: food additive to duplicate sugar taste but with less food energy Sweetness of compounds many fold greater than glucose or sucrose Ongoing controversy over health risks
Saccharin – discovered in 1879 – 300X sweeter than sucrose – no food energy Aspartame – Discovered in 1965 – 180X sweeter than sucrose aspartame saccharin
Typical Western diet contains 50 g fructose/day Fructose found in corn syrup, fruits, and honey Insulin-independent SUCROSE
Either hexokinase orfructokinase can covalentlymodify fructose. Hexokinasephosphorylates glucoserather than fructose,unless [fructose] isunusually high. Fructokinase found inparticular tissues Fructose metabolism Glycolysis
Fructose metabolism Glycolysis
Lens, kidney, nerve Seminal vesicles
Occurs in ER and Golgi bodies of human mammary glands Lactose synthase Stimulated by prolactin
Classic galactosemia Uridyltransferase deficiency Autosomal recessive disorder (1 in 23,000 births)