Dr. Maryam Emami. Urologist
A 71 year old woman with a history of : recurrent UTI chronic urinary obstructive symptoms Incomplete bladder emptying Since 2 years ago referred to our center. She couldn,t void from 1week ago.
Past medical history: Vaginal hysterectomy 5 year ago. Anterior- posterior repair 2 year ago Anterior- posterior repair 1 year ago
Genital examination: vaginal stenonis Sever organ prolapse Huge cystocele(G4) Cuff prolapse entrocele
Serum creatinine level was high (3) and other biochemistry results were normal. Sonography revealed bilateral sever hydroureteronephrosis
Urodynamic study couldn,t be performed Because bladder was outside of the pelvic UDS data,s were,not reliable.
Abdominal approach or vaginal approach Abdominal sacral colpopexy (lower rate for recurrent vault prolapse, less dyspareunia) Vaginal Sacrospinous colpopexy (quicker,cheaper,earlier return to activities Of daily living) ?????????? ??????????????
Vaginal canal was very Narrow and short. We could n,t reduce This hernia
Abdominal : sacral colpopexy with mesh (correct cuff prolapse) Moschowitz procedure (closed cul-de-sac) Burch colposuspension (urethral support)
In 2-year fallow –up,no recurrence was observed.