ENGINEERING PROJECT PROPOSAL MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DAN FLAHIVE Analytical Method to Predict Primary Side Steam Generator Pressure Drop and Corresponding Plant Measurement
Background In a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) flow measurement accuracy is important for power measurement. Most common method for flow measurement used pressure differential (dP) across components in the plant. Historically dP across steam generators have been difficult to measure.
Reactor Coolant System
Problem Current methodology for predicting SG dP makes simplifying assumptions about the geometry. The assumptions to simplify the calculation do not provide a very accurate dP prediction. The inaccurate prediction increases the uncertainty of the flow measurement. If the flow measurement accuracy can be improved the reactor power output could be increased.
Steam Generator
Methodology The proposed methodology will Looks the complex geometry to find new equations for calculating SG dP. Review other research on hydraulic resistance through similar components, such as tube and shell heat exchangers Look at location of pressure taps and evaluate local parameters that affect the pressure measurements. The results will be compared with plant data
Expected Outcome The expected outcome is a method that canto accurately predict SG dP and compare it to plant measurements.
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