Are New Literacies a Positive or Negative Affect on Schools? LRC320 Group 15 Liz Cornelison Derek Browning Karina Kartchner
What are “New Literacies”? New forms of literacy made possible by digital technology developments New literacies do not necessarily have to involve use of digital technologies to be recognized as such.
Examples of New Literacies Social Networking Blogging Instant Messaging
Social Networking - Using a Web site to communicate informally with other members of the site - One can post comments, images, video chat, music, and other information - Examples: - Facebook: - Myspace: - Youtube:
Blogging What: a blog is a website that is usually kept by a person who posts entries of things like pictures and commentary. Examples: There are personal blog sites like Twitter and other types like blogs kept by Corporations. Hyperlinks:
Instant Messaging Exchange of text or audio/video chat in real-time through a software application When users are online they can easily communicate, participate in group chat, and transfer files. Examples: AIM Meebo Digsby
Impact of New Literacies? Globalization, interaction, participation and usability are encouraged through social networking, which promote education and current news. Technology opens new possibilities for information and communication with new literacies. The enhancement of both social life and productivity at work or school make Instant Messaging an important tool for communication.
Works Cited Semali, L. (2001, November). Defining new literacies in curricular practice. Reading Online, 5(4). Available: HREF=semali1/ Yaschur, Carolyn. "The links that bind: Uncovering novel motivations for linking on Facebook." Computers in Human Behavior 27.6 (2011): Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 21 Sept Guidry, Kevin R. "Instant Messaging: Its Impact on and Recommendations for Student Affairs." November Student Affairs Online. 21 September Instant Messaging. January September 2011.