VHDL function CLBM and Inference Presenter: Jie Li Stevens Institute of Technology Sep 2, 2010
Outline Current work and Progress VHDL Function CLBM based on the rules Inference of VHDL components from XML representations Future work
Current work and Progress Statements/SyntaxesVHDL AbstractionVHDL Inference Function Definition Function Call Basic Operators Value Assignment Variable Declaration Return If, else Arrays/Vectors/Matrix Process For, while Switch case
VHDL Structural Elements: Entity
VHDL Structural Elements: Architecture
VHDL Structural Elements: Component Declaration
VHDL Structural Elements: Component Instantiation
CLBM Rule of Component
Signals in Path Solution: For each a path, use two input/output places to describe the actuals and formals, respectively.
Inference of VHDL components from XML representations 10
Future work Parallel and sequential structure Timing issue (clock) More VHDL elements