IDST2373 / HIST2322 Dr. Keller1 Westernization and Empire – A Window on the West Peter I & Westernization Military Reform Bureaucratic Reform Social Reform St. Petersburg The Russian Empire in Europe and Asia
IDST2373 / HIST2322 Dr. Keller2 Peter I & Westernization The Russian Empire in Europe and Asia St. Petersburg in 1710
IDST2373 / HIST2322 Dr. Keller3 Peter I & Westernization The Russian Empire in Europe and Asia
IDST2373 / HIST2322 Dr. Keller4 The Limits of Westernization: Catherine II “You write on paper, but I have to write on human skin, which is far more ticklish.” Catherine the Great The Russian Empire in Europe and Asia
IDST2373 / HIST2322 Dr. Keller5 Westernization and Empire – The Limits of Westernization Catherine II Pugachev’s Rebellion The End of Reform The Russian Empire in Europe and Asia Russian soldier, 1650
IDST2373 / HIST2322 Dr. Keller6 The Russian Empire in Europe and Asia Imperial Russia in the Eighteenth Century
IDST2373 / HIST2322 Dr. Keller7 The European States System – The Peace of Westphalia Sovereign state era Century of Imperial Wars – The Balance of Power – Military Development Military academies Technological innovation The Transformation of Europe The Consolidation of Sovereign States Europe after the Peace of Westphalia, 1648
IDST2373 / HIST2322 Dr. Keller8 Early Capitalist Society How does the Scottish philosopher Adam Smith portray the capitalist market? The Transformation of Europe Capitalist Society
IDST2373 / HIST2322 Dr. Keller9 Early Capitalist Society – Population Growth & Urbanization American Food Crops – potato – maize – tomato – peppers Population Growth – 1500 = 81 m. – 1700 = 120 m. Urbanization The Transformation of Europe Capitalist Society American Food Crops
IDST2373 / HIST2322 Dr. Keller10 Early Capitalism & Protoindustrialization – Capitalism – Supply & Demand market conditions banks – Joint-Stock Companies – Politics & Empire Private property / contracts Trading-posts – Putting-Out System The Transformation of Europe Capitalist Society 17 th Century Dutch shipyard
IDST2373 / HIST2322 Dr. Keller11 Sources From The Past: Adam Smith on the Capitalist Market The Transformation of Europe Capitalist Society “Every individual is continually exerting himself to find out the most advantageous employment for whatever capital he can command. It is in his own advantage, indeed, and not that of society, which he has in view…” - An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
IDST2373 / HIST2322 Dr. Keller12 Early Capitalist Society – Social Change in Early Modern Europe Serfdom in Russia – Romanov policy – Serfs become private property Profit & Ethics – laissez-faire – “invisible hand” – universal laws The Nuclear Family – social unit – companionate marriage The Transformation of Europe Capitalist Society Adam Smith,
IDST2373 / HIST2322 Dr. Keller13 Reconceiving the Universe – The Ptolemaic Universe - 2 nd c.e. – Planetary Movement – The Copernican Universe The Transformation of Europe Science and Enlightenment A sun-centered universe ~ Nicolaus Copernicus
IDST2373 / HIST2322 Dr. Keller14 The Scientific Revolution – A scientific world-view Galileo Galilei – mathematics – Physics – Astronomy – trial for heresy The Transformation of Europe Science and Enlightenment Galileo Galilei,
IDST2373 / HIST2322 Dr. Keller15 The Scientific Revolution – A scientific world-view Isaac Newton – Mathematics – Laws of motion – Gravitation Principia Mathematica (1687) The Transformation of Europe Science and Enlightenment Issac Newton,
IDST2373 / HIST2322 Dr. Keller16 The Enlightenment – the Power of Reason Science and Society Enlightenment thinkers – Voltaire – Jean-Jacques Rousseau Deism The Theory of Progress The Transformation of Europe Science and Enlightenment Jean-Jacques Rousseau,
IDST2373 / HIST2322 Dr. Keller17 Western Christendom ~ The Transformation of Europe Key Words and Terms Martin Luther Ninety-five Theses John Calvin Institutes of the Christian Religion Council of Trent Ignatius Loyola The Thirty Years War Charles V The New Monarchs The Spanish Inquisition Louis XIV - le roi soliel Nicolaus Copernicus On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres Johannes Kepler Galileo Galilei Isaac Newton Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy Voltaire Deism Carolus Linnaeus Adam Smith – Wealth of Nations
IDST2373 / HIST2322 Dr. Keller18 Europe experienced profound change in the early modern era: The Protestant Reformation shattered religious unity Subsequently, a century of religious conflict Sovereign & competitive states Capitalist entrepreneurship challenges traditional values Modern sciences emerges Science & reason transform traditional belief systems European capitalism expands into larger world as European society becomes increasingly competitive Western Christendom ~ The Transformation of Europe Summary
IDST2373 / HIST2322 Dr. Keller19 Understand the profound change Europe experienced in the early modern era. Be knowledgeable concerning the way in which the Protestant Reformation shattered religious unity and led to a century of conflict. Have the ability to understand how sovereign & competitive states combined with capitalist entrepreneurship to challenge traditional values Have the ability to understand how modern science & reason transform traditional belief systems Comprehend the significance of the expansion of European capitalism into the larger world. Western Christendom ~ The Transformation of Europe Learning Outcomes