Taking Stock at Mid-Semester: A partnership between first year residents, CASA, Residence Life, and Academic Advisors March 27, 2008
Goals: Early intervention with first year residents Constructive conversation starter One-on-one with RA staff/Mentor/Advisor Offer residents a self-assessment Connect residents with resources Normalized transition experience Project Conception
Additional Benefits: Examine transfer plans Identify common concerns Identify programming needs
Why else would we do this? University goals Student Success Plan It’s a great service! That’s a lot of work!
Before MAP-Works… Prior to MAP-Works, we had Taking Stock at Mid-Semester - a paper version of the survey and the reporting –Taking Stock program began in 2001 –Survey contained ~45 questions, all on a “Strongly Agree-Strongly Disagree” scale –Individual reports were generated for each student based on their answers and were shared almost exclusively with Housing staff (Resident Directors, Resident Assistants, etc) –Process of survey completion, scanning, and report generation was extremely time consuming and costly –Each student participated in a “one-on-one” discussion with their Resident Assistant based on the report provided –A list of campus resources was used in each meeting, and verification of each meeting was recorded.
Implementation How we implemented it – sent to all first year on-campus students –Residence staff encouraged students to take the survey during floor meetings –Fliers were mailed to students with information about the survey Incentives –Each hall that had over 80% participation by the initial deadline was given a pizza party –The hall that had the highest percent participation by the initial deadline was given an ice cream social How we used it –Residence Hall staff An individual student report was printed for each student based on the results of their survey This report was given to the Resident Assistants, and used as a reference during “one-on-one” conversation with each student –Academic Advisors for undecided students and psychology majors Students with particular academic concerns were identified by Advisors and asked to come in for an appointment.
MAP-Works at Colorado State Current examples of use: –One-on-one conversations with students and Resident Assistants –“Early Warning” effort to identify students that: indicated they are considering leaving CSU and/or transferring to another institution –Each student asked to meet with Resident Director in order to address any concerns or challenges indicated they are struggling in one or more course –For those students undecided in their major, an was sent from their Academic Advisor asking them to come in for an appointment to discuss their transition to campus –Aggregate data used to enhance current programs and identify areas where more resources may be needed
Front Page Students navigate their way through reports to align expectations, link to resources, educate student about issues of transition. Students see a self-normalizing assessment
Expectations Helping students establish more realistic expectations about what it takes to successfully transition to college. Making the Point Messages are reinforced with student quotes and summary conclusions.
Social Norming Student self evaluations are calibrated with their peers to identify strengths and weaknesses.
Links to Campus Resources Campus specific resource links allow your students to reach in and exploit all your campus has to offer.
Critical Conversation: RA or Peer Mentor Report
Campus Stats –Approximately 4200 first-year students in fall 2007 –Approximately 99% of first-year students are housed on campus MAP-Works Stats –Surveyed all first-year on-campus students –Used primarily with Academic Advisors for undecided students & psychology majors and residence hall staff –Upper administrators also had access –50% response rate –67 faculty/staff were given access to survey data –68% of students participated in a “one-on-one” meeting with their Resident Assistant based on the results of their survey Managers saw students responses real-time!
“Overall, please rate your experience at Colorado State University” 1467 students (71%) answered “Excellent” or “Exceptional” to this question. Students succeeding!
All students answering, data imported into Excel
Filter full set of results to…
Westfall only, problem indicators
Westfall only, Goals
Westfall only, Self-Assessments
Westfall only, Learning
Westfall only, On-Campus Living
Westfall only, Connections
Lessons Learned – Future of MAP-Works at CSU Integrating additional departments and student services –Additional departments and students services will be introduced to the MAP-Works system –Thorough assessment of student/staff/faculty interaction will be evaluated MAP-Works survey in the future –Longitudinal: Check-up survey in spring 2008 –Sophomore survey in fall 2008 –Surveys specifically for Commuter students? Transfer students? Non-traditional students? –Compare responses vs. other institutions